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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing F, I, M, 2O, S and T

CHLOROFORMISTchloroformist n. (Medicine, archaic) One who uses chloroform as an anaesthetic.
CHLOROFORMIST n. one who administers chloroform.
CONFIRMATIONSconfirmations n. Plural of confirmation.
CONFIRMATION n. the act of confirming.
CONFORMATIONSconformations n. Plural of conformation.
CONFORMATION n. the manner in which a thing is formed; structure, organization.
DISCOMFORTINGdiscomforting v. Present participle of discomfort.
DISCOMFORT v. to make uncomfortable or uneasy.
DISCONFORMITYdisconformity n. (Geology) A type of unconformity in which erosion or lack of deposition has occurred between two parallel…
disconformity n. (Religion) nonconformity.
DISCONFORMITY n. an unconformity in which the beds above the unconformity are parallel to the beds below the unconformity.
FLUOROMETRIESFLUOROMETRY n. measurement by fluorometer, also FLUORIMETRY.
FORMALISATIONformalisation n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of formalization.
FORMALISATION n. the act of formalising, also FORMALIZATION.
FORTISSISSIMOfortississimo adv. (Music) The musical notation indicating that the piece is played louder than fortissimo.
fortississimo n. (Music) The dynamic sign indicating that the piece should be played louder than fortissimo. Abbreviation: fff.
FORTISSISSIMO adv. (Italian) very very loud.
MALFORMATIONSmalformations n. Plural of malformation.
MALFORMATION n. faulty structure, deformity.
MIDAFTERNOONSmidafternoons n. Plural of midafternoon.
MISFORMATIONSmisformations n. Plural of misformation.
MISFORMATION n. a wrong formation.
MODIFICATIONSmodifications n. Plural of modification.
MODIFICATION n. an act of modifying.
MONOFILAMENTSmonofilaments n. Plural of monofilament.
MONOFILAMENT n. a single filament of synthetic fibre, also MONOFIL.
NONCONFORMISTnonconformist n. A member of a church separated from the Church of England; a Protestant dissenter.
nonconformist n. Loosely, a Christian who does not conform to the doctrines of an established church.
nonconformist n. Someone who does not conform to accepted beliefs, customs or practices.
OMNIFORMITIESOMNIFORMITY n. the state of having every form.
POSTMODIFYINGpostmodifying v. Present participle of postmodify.
POSTMODIFY v. to modify the sense of (a word or phrase) by being placed after it.
PREFORMATIONSpreformations n. Plural of preformation.
PREFORMATION n. previous formation.
REFORMATORIESreformatories n. Plural of reformatory.
REFORMATORY n. a penal institution to which esp. young or first offenders are committed for training and reformation.
STROMBULIFORMSTROMBULIFORM adj. shaped like a spinning top; spirally twisted.
TELESCOPIFORMtelescopiform adj. Shaped like a telescope, with retractile tubular portions.
TELESCOPIFORM adj. in the form of a telescope.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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