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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 13 thirteen-letter words containing F, G, I, O, 2S and U

ASTROTURFINGSASTROTURFING n. political, advertising, or public relations campaigning that seeks to create the impression of being spontaneous 'grassroots' behavior.
BRASSFOUNDINGbrassfounding n. The work of a brassfounder, casting objects from brass.
BRASSFOUNDING n. the craft of casting objects in brass.
COUCHSURFINGSCOUCHSURFING n. the practice of sleeping overnight in the houses of friends or fellow members of a social network, esp. as an alternative to staying in hotels, hostels, etc.
FUGACIOUSNESSfugaciousness n. (Obsolete) fugacity.
FUGACIOUSNESS n. the state of being fugacious.
FUTUROLOGISTSfuturologists n. Plural of futurologist.
FUTUROLOGIST n. a student of futurology.
GRISEOFULVINSgriseofulvins n. Plural of griseofulvin.
GRISEOFULVIN n. an oral antibiotic used as a treatment for fungal infections of the skin and hair.
MICROFUNGUSESMICROFUNGUS n. a very small fungus.
OVERFOCUSSINGoverfocussing v. Present participle of overfocus.
OVERFOCUS v. to focus to excess.
PUSSYFOOTINGSPUSSYFOOTING n. the act of approaching a topic with great caution.
RUSTPROOFINGSRUSTPROOFING n. the act of making resistant to rust, such as by applying a coating.
SURFBOARDINGSSURFBOARDING n. the sport of surfing on a surfboard.
SURGEONFISHESsurgeonfishes n. Plural of surgeonfish.
SURGEONFISH n. a kind of tropical fish with razor-sharp spines on the tail.
UNFORGIVENESSunforgiveness n. Lack of forgiveness.
UNFORGIVENESS n. the state of being unforgiving, also UNFORGIVINGNESS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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