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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing F, G, I, L, 2O and R

CHILDPROOFINGchildproofing v. Present participle of childproof.
CHILDPROOF v. to make an environment safe for a child, or safe from a child.
CHLOROFORMINGchloroforming v. Present participle of chloroform.
CHLOROFORM v. to treat with or as if with the colourless volatile liquid chloroform esp. so as to produce anesthesia.
CONFLAGRATIONconflagration n. A large fire extending to many objects, or over a large space; a general burning.
conflagration n. (Figuratively) A large-scale conflict.
CONFLAGRATION n. a large fire.
FLAMEPROOFINGflameproofing v. Present participle of flameproof.
FLAMEPROOF v. to make resistant to damage or burning on contact with flame.
FLUOROGRAPHICfluorographic adj. Relating to fluorography.
FLUOROGRAPHIC adj. relating to fluorography.
FLUOROSCOPINGfluoroscoping v. Present participle of fluoroscope.
FLUOROSCOPE v. to examine by fluoroscope.
FOREKNOWINGLYforeknowingly adv. With foreknowledge.
FOREKNOWING adv. FOREKNOW, to know beforehand.
FUTUROLOGICALfuturological adj. Pertaining to futurology.
FUTUROLOGICAL adj. relating to futurology.
FUTUROLOGISTSfuturologists n. Plural of futurologist.
FUTUROLOGIST n. a student of futurology.
GLOBULIFEROUSglobuliferous adj. (Geology) Bearing globules; of rocks, having a concretionary structure where the concretions are isolated…
GLOBULIFEROUS adj. bearing globules.
GLORIFICATIONglorification n. The act of glorifying or the state of being glorified.
glorification n. Specifically, the ascension (of Christ or humans) to the glory of heaven.
glorification n. The worshiping of a deity; extolment or laudation.
OVERFLOWINGLYoverflowingly adv. So as to overflow; very excessively or generously.
OVERFLOWING adv. abundant to excess.
REFLEXOLOGIESreflexologies n. Plural of reflexology.
REFLEXOLOGY n. a form of therapy for treating particular bodily ailments and general stress.
REFLEXOLOGISTreflexologist n. A practitioner of reflexology.
REFLEXOLOGIST n. a specialist in reflexology.
WATERFLOODINGwaterflooding v. Present participle of waterflood.
WATERFLOODING n. the practice, in oil, gas or petroleum production, of injecting water to maintain pressure in a reservoir and to drive the oil, etc. towards the production wells.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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