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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing F, M, N, O, R, T and U

AMENTIFEROUSamentiferous adj. (Botany) Bearing catkins.
AMENTIFEROUS adj. bearing catkins.
FOREJUDGMENTforejudgment n. (Obsolete) prejudgment.
FOREJUDGMENT n. an advance judgment, also FOREJUDGEMENT.
FORJUDGMENTSFORJUDGMENT n. the act of forjudging.
FORMULATIONSformulations n. Plural of formulation.
FORMULATION n. an act or the product of formulating.
FRUMENTATIONfrumentation n. (Historical) The distribution of corn to the people (especially to appease them during agitation for…
FRUMENTATION n. a gift of grain bestowed on starving or rebellious people in ancient Rome.
FUNAMBULATORfunambulator n. Tightrope walker.
FUNAMBULATOR n. a tightrope walker.
FURTHCOMINGSFURTHCOMING n. in Scots law, an action brought by an arrester against the arrestee and the common debtor after an arrestment in order that the arrested money or property be delivered to the arrester.
MOURNFULLESTmournfullest adj. Superlative form of mournful: most mournful.
MOURNFUL adj. sad, grieving.
REFOULEMENTSrefoulements n. Plural of refoulement.
REFOULEMENT n. the act of forcing a refugee to return to a place from which he or she is seeking asylum.
STORMFULNESSstormfulness n. The quality of being stormful.
STORMFULNESS n. the state of being stormful, abounding with storms.
UNCONFORMITYunconformity n. (Nonstandard) A lack of conformity.
unconformity n. (Geology) A gap in the stratigraphic record at a site, resulting from erosion having outpaced deposition…
UNCONFORMITY n. a buried erosion surface separating two rock masses.
UNFORMULATEDunformulated adj. Not formulated.
UNFORMULATED adj. not formulated.
UNIFORMITIESuniformities n. Plural of uniformity.
UNIFORMITY n. the state of being uniform.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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