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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing F, G, 2N, 2O and R

CONFORMINGLYconformingly adv. In a way that conforms.
CONFORMING adv. CONFORM, to become the same or similar.
FOREGONENESSforegoneness n. The quality of being foregone.
FOREGONENESS n. the state of being foregone.
FOREPOINTINGforepointing v. Present participle of forepoint.
FOREPOINT v. to foreshadow.
FORETOKENINGforetokening n. Indication in advance.
foretokening v. Present participle of foretoken.
FORETOKENING n. the act of foretokening.
GONFALONIERSgonfaloniers n. Plural of gonfalonier.
GONFALONIER n. a person who carries a gonfalon; the chief magistrate in some medieval Italian republics.
NONDEFORMINGnondeforming adj. Not causing or undergoing deformation.
NONDEFORMING adj. not subject to deformation.
NONFLOWERINGnonflowering adj. (Biology) Of a plant, not flowering; reproducing by means other than pollination from flowers.
NONFLOWERING adj. not flowering.
RAINPROOFINGrainproofing v. Present participle of rainproof.
RAINPROOF v. to make proof against rain.
UNDERFOOTINGunderfooting n. The terrain or other surface underfoot.
underfooting v. Present participle of underfoot.
UNDERFOOT v. to underpin.
UNFOREBODINGunforeboding adj. Not foreboding.
UNFOREBODING adj. not foreboding.
WINDPROOFINGwindproofing v. Present participle of windproof.
WINDPROOF v. to make a fabric etc. proof against the wind.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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