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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing F, G, I, L, O, S and T

ANTIFOULINGSantifoulings n. Plural of antifouling.
ANTIFOULING n. an antifouling substance applied in paint form to ships' bottoms, etc.
FESTIVALGOERfestivalgoer n. A person attending a festival.
festival-goer n. Alternative form of festivalgoer.
FESTIVALGOER n. one who attends a festival.
FLAGITATIONSflagitations n. Plural of flagitation.
FLAGITATION n. the action of asking or demanding with passion.
FLAGITIOUSLYflagitiously adv. In a flagitious manner.
FLAGITIOUS adv. marked by scandalous crime or vice; villainous.
FOOTSLOGGINGfootslogging v. Present participle of footslog.
FOOTSLOGGING n. tramping on foot.
FORESIGHTFULforesightful adj. Having, exercising, or characterised by foresight; forward-looking; prudent.
FORESIGHTFUL adj. full of foresight.
FORESTALLINGforestalling v. Present participle of forestall.
forestalling n. The act of one who forestalls.
FORESTALLING n. the act of forestalling.
FOTHERGILLASFOTHERGILLA n. any plant of the Fothergilla genus of North American deciduous shrubs of the witch-hazel family.
FULGURATIONSfulgurations n. Plural of fulguration.
FULGURATION n. the act of flashing like lightning.
FULIGINOSITYfuliginosity n. The condition or quality of being fuliginous; sootiness.
fuliginosity n. Matter deposited by smoke.
FULIGINOSITY n. the state of being fuliginous.
FUTUROLOGIESfuturologies n. Plural of futurology.
FUTUROLOGY n. the study of the future.
FUTUROLOGISTfuturologist n. A person who practices futurology.
FUTUROLOGIST n. a student of futurology.
MONTGOLFIERSMontgolfiers n. Plural of Montgolfier.
MONTGOLFIER n. (French) a balloon using fire for propulsion.
PLATFORMINGSPLATFORMING n. a process for reforming petroleum using a platinum catalyst.
SHOPLIFTINGSshopliftings n. Plural of shoplifting.
SHOPLIFTING n. the act of stealing goods from a store.
SINGLEFOOTEDsinglefooted v. Simple past tense and past participle of singlefoot.
STAGFLATIONSstagflations n. Plural of stagflation.
STAGFLATION n. persistent inflation combined with stagnant consumer demand and relatively high unemployment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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