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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing F, N, 2O, R and 2S

CONFORMISMSconformisms n. Plural of conformism.
CONFORMISM n. compliance with established practice.
CONFORMISTSconformists n. Plural of conformist.
Conformists n. Plural of Conformist.
CONFORMIST n. one who conforms.
FOREPERSONSforepersons n. Plural of foreperson.
FORLORNNESSforlornness n. The state or characteristic of being forlorn; sadness; loneliness.
FORLORNNESS n. the state of being forlorn.
FRONTOLYSESfrontolyses n. Plural of frontolysis.
FRONTOLYSIS n. the weakening or disappearance of a weather front.
FRONTOLYSISfrontolysis n. (Meteorology) The degeneration or dissipation of an atmospheric weather front.
FRONTOLYSIS n. the weakening or disappearance of a weather front.
HOUSEFRONTShousefronts n. Plural of housefront.
HOUSEFRONT n. the facade of a house.
OFFSHORINGSoffshorings n. Plural of offshoring.
OFFSHORING n. the practice of substituting foreign labour for domestic.
PROFESSIONSprofessions n. Plural of profession.
PROFESSION n. a calling.
SHOREFRONTSshorefronts n. Plural of shorefront.
SHOREFRONT n. the part of a shore nearest the sea.
SOMNIFEROUSsomniferous adj. (Pharmacology) causing or inducing sleep, normally with harmful overtones.
SOMNIFEROUS adj. causing sleep.
SOUNDPROOFSsoundproofs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of soundproof.
SOUNDPROOF v. to insulate so as to obstruct the passage of sound.
SPOONDRIFTSspoondrifts n. Plural of spoondrift.
spoon-drifts n. Plural of spoon-drift.
SPOONDRIFT n. the ocean spray which is blown by the wind, also SPINDRIFT.
STOREFRONTSstorefronts n. Plural of storefront.
STOREFRONT n. the front side of a store or store building facing a street.
STROGANOFFSstroganoffs n. Plural of stroganoff.
STROGANOFF n. (Russian) of meat, cut thinly and cooked with onions.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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