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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing F, L, 2O, R and 2S

COMFORTLESScomfortless adj. (Of a person) Deprived of comfort; uncomforted.
comfortless adj. (Of a thing) Offering no comfort; uncomforting.
COMFORTLESS adj. without comfort.
FOLKLORISTSfolklorists n. Plural of folklorist.
FOLKLORIST n. a student of folklore.
FORLORNNESSforlornness n. The state or characteristic of being forlorn; sadness; loneliness.
FORLORNNESS n. the state of being forlorn.
FRITHSTOOLSfrithstools n. Plural of frithstool.
frith␣stools n. Plural of frith stool.
FRITHSTOOL n. a seat in churches near the altar, to which offenders formerly fled for sanctuary.
FRONTOLYSESfrontolyses n. Plural of frontolysis.
FRONTOLYSIS n. the weakening or disappearance of a weather front.
FRONTOLYSISfrontolysis n. (Meteorology) The degeneration or dissipation of an atmospheric weather front.
FRONTOLYSIS n. the weakening or disappearance of a weather front.
LOOSESTRIFEloosestrife n. Any of certain flowering plants of the genera Lythrum and Lysimachia, which are not closely related.
LOOSESTRIFE n. a wild flower of the primrose family.
MACROFOSSILmacrofossil n. (Paleontology) Any fossil large enough to be examined without a microscope.
MACROFOSSIL n. a fossil large enough to be seen with the naked eye.
MICROFOSSILmicrofossil n. A microscopic fossil.
MICROFOSSIL n. a very small fossil.
SPLASHPROOFsplashproof adj. Alternative spelling of splash-proof.
splash-proof adj. Constructed to withstand splashing.
SPLASHPROOF adj. resistant to being splashed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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