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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing F, I, N, S, 2T and U

FETTUCCINESfettuccines n. Plural of fettuccine.
FETTUCCINE n. (Italian) a pasta made in long ribbons, also FETTUCINE, FETTUCINI.
FETTUCCINISfettuccinis n. Plural of fettuccini.
FETTUCCINI n. a pasta made in long ribbons.
FLUSTRATINGflustrating v. Present participle of flustrate.
FLUSTRATE v. (obsolete) to fluster.
FLUSTRATIONflustration n. (Colloquial) The act of flustrating; confusion; flurry.
FLUSTRATION n. (obsolete) flustering.
FLUTTERINGSflutterings n. Plural of fluttering.
FLUTTERING n. the act of fluttering.
FRUSTRATINGfrustrating adj. Discouraging; causing annoyance or anger by excessive difficulty.
frustrating v. Present participle of frustrate.
FRUSTRATE v. to thwart.
FRUSTRATIONfrustration n. The feeling of annoyance at impassibility from resistance.
frustration n. The act of frustrating, or the state, or an instance of being frustrated.
frustration n. A thing that frustrates.
FUGITATIONSfugitations n. Plural of fugitation.
FUGITATION n. in Scots law, absconding from justice.
FUNGISTATICfungistatic adj. That inhibits the growth and reproduction of fungi but does not kill off their population.
FUNGISTATIC adj. inhibiting the growth of fungi.
FUSTIANISTSfustianists n. Plural of fustianist.
FUSTIANIST n. a writer of fustian.
FUSTIGATINGfustigating v. Present participle of fustigate.
FUSTIGATE v. (obsolete) to beat with a club.
FUSTIGATIONfustigation n. A beating with a club.
fustigation n. (By extension) a harsh verbal assault.
FUSTIGATION n. beating with a club.
FUTURITIONSFUTURITION n. future existence; time to come.
MULTIFRONTSSorry, definition not available.
OUTFEASTINGoutfeasting v. Present participle of outfeast.
OUTFEAST v. to surpass in feasting.
OUTFITTINGSoutfittings n. Plural of outfitting.
OUTFITTING n. the act of outfitting.
REFUTATIONSrefutations n. Plural of refutation.
REFUTATION n. the act of refuting.
STULTIFYINGstultifying v. Present participle of stultify.
stultifying adj. Tending to stultify.
STULTIFY v. to cause to appear absurd.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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