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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing F, I, L, O, P and 2R

PILFERPROOFpilferproof adj. Designed to prevent pilfering (thieving), especially of a container.
PILFERPROOF adj. secure against pilfering.
POWERLIFTERpowerlifter n. One who performs powerlifting.
POWERLIFTER n. one who practises power lifting.
PREFATORIALprefatorial adj. Prefatory.
PREFATORIAL adj. serving as preface or opening remarks.
PREFATORILYprefatorily adv. In a prefatory manner; by way of preface.
PREFATORY adv. acting as a preface.
PROFITEROLEprofiterole n. A small, hollow case of choux pastry with a filling.
PROFITEROLE n. (French) a small puff of choux pastry, usually filled with cream and covered with a chocolate sauce.
PROLIFERATEproliferate v. (Transitive, intransitive) To increase in number or spread rapidly; to multiply.
PROLIFERATE v. to grow or increase in number rapidly.
PROLIFEROUSproliferous adj. Producing many offspring; prolific or proliferative.
proliferous adj. (Botany) producing many buds or offshoots from leaves or flowers.
proliferous adj. (Zoology) reproducing by budding.
REPTILIFORMreptiliform adj. Resembling or relating to reptiles.
REPTILIFORM adj. having the form of a reptile.
SCALPRIFORMscalpriform adj. (Anatomy) Shaped like a chisel.
SCALPRIFORM adj. shaped like a chisel.
SPIRALIFORMspiraliform adj. Spiral-shaped.
SPIRALIFORM adj. shaped like a spiral.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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