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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing F, I, L, N and 3S

FILMINESSESFILMINESS n. the state of being filmy.
FLAKINESSESflakinesses n. Plural of flakiness.
FLAKINESS n. the state of being flaky.
FLESHLINESSfleshliness n. Indulgence in concerns of the flesh; bodily appetites.
FLESHLINESS n. the state of being fleshly.
FLUIDNESSESFLUIDNESS n. the state of being fluid.
FLUKINESSESFLUKINESS n. the state of being fluky.
FOLKINESSESFOLKINESS n. the quality of being folky.
FOLKISHNESSfolkishness n. The quality of being folkish.
FOLKISHNESS n. the state of being folkish.
FOOLISHNESSfoolishness n. (Uncountable) The state of being foolish.
foolishness n. (Countable) A thing or event that is foolish, or an absurdity.
FOOLISHNESS n. the state of being foolish.
FOSSILISINGfossilising v. Present participle of fossilise.
FOSSILISE v. to turn into a fossil, also FOSSILIZE.
FRAILNESSESfrailnesses n. Plural of frailness.
FRAILNESS n. the state of being frail.
FUSIBLENESSfusibleness n. The quality of being fusible.
FUSIBLENESS n. the quality of being fusible.
LEAFINESSESleafinesses n. Plural of leafiness.
LEAFINESS n. the state of being leafy.
LOFTINESSESloftinesses n. Plural of loftiness.
LOFTINESS n. the state of being lofty.
SELFISHNESSselfishness n. The quality of being selfish; the condition of putting one’s own interests before those of others.
SELFISHNESS n. the state of being selfish.
SKILFULNESSskilfulness n. The state or condition of being skilful.
SKILFULNESS n. the state of being skilful.
SNAILFISHESsnailfishes n. Plural of snailfish.
SNAILFISH n. a sea snail.
WISHFULNESSwishfulness n. The state or quality of being wishful.
wishfulness n. Wishful thinking.
WISHFULNESS n. the state of being wishful.
WISTFULNESSwistfulness n. The state or characteristic of being wistful.
WISTFULNESS n. the state of being wistful.
WOLFISHNESSwolfishness n. The quality of being wolfish.
WOLFISHNESS n. the state of being wolfish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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