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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing F, I, L, 2N, S and T

ANTIFUNGALSantifungals n. Plural of antifungal.
ANTIFUNGAL n. a drug designed to prevent fungal infection.
CONFLATIONSconflations n. Plural of conflation.
CONFLATION n. a combining or blending of two or more versions of a text.
FLAUNTINESSflauntiness n. The state, quality, or condition of being flaunty.
FLAUNTINESS n. the state of being flaunty.
FLORENTINESflorentines n. Plural of florentine.
Florentines n. Plural of Florentine.
FLORENTINE n. a kind of biscuit packed with nuts, glace cherries, and other preserved fruit, coated on one side with chocolate.
FUNCTIONALSfunctionals n. Plural of functional.
FUNCTIONAL n. something that serves a function.
INFANTILISEinfantilise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of infantilize.
INFANTILISE v. to render infantile, also INFANTILIZE.
INFANTILISMinfantilism n. An emotional dependency on being treated as an infant.
infantilism n. (Sexuality) A paraphilia based on the sight or feeling of diapers, or being diapered.
INFANTILISM n. retention of childish physical, mental, or emotional qualities in adult life.
INFLECTIONSinflections n. Plural of inflection.
INFLECTION n. a change in the form of a word, usually modification or affixation, signalling change in such grammatical functions as tense, voice, mood, person, also INFLEXION.
INFLICTIONSinflictions n. Plural of infliction.
INFLICTION n. the act of inflicting.
INFOLDMENTSinfoldments n. Plural of infoldment.
INFOLDMENT n. the state of being infolded.
INGULFMENTSingulfments n. Plural of ingulfment.
INGULFMENT n. the state of being engulfed, also ENGULFMENT.
SULFONATINGsulfonating v. Present participle of sulfonate.
SULFONATE v. to convert into sulphonic acid, also SULPHONATE.
SULFONATIONsulfonation n. (Chemistry) The replacement of a hydrogen atom of an organic compound with a sulfonic acid (-SO3H) functional…
SULFONATION n. the act of sulfonating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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