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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing F, 2I, L, R and 2S

CLASSIFIERSclassifiers n. Plural of classifier.
CLASSIFIER n. one who classifies.
DISULFIRAMSdisulfirams n. Plural of disulfiram.
DISULFIRAM n. a compound used in the treatment of alcoholism.
EMULSIFIERSemulsifiers n. Plural of emulsifier.
EMULSIFIER n. an agent that emulsifies.
FERTILISERSfertilisers n. Plural of fertiliser.
FERTILISER n. a person or thing that fertilizes, also FERTILIZER.
FIELDSTRIPSfieldstrips v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fieldstrip.
field␣strips v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of field strip.
FIELDSTRIP v. to take apart a weapon for routine cleaning etc.
FILIBUSTERSfilibusters n. Plural of filibuster.
filibusters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of filibuster.
FILIBUSTER v. (Dutch) to obstructs legislation by making long speeches.
FILOVIRUSESfiloviruses n. Plural of filovirus.
Filoviruses n. Plural of Filovirus.
FILOVIRUS n. any member of a family of viruses that includes the agents responsible for Ebola virus disease and Marburg disease.
FLINDERSIASFLINDERSIA n. any tree of the Australian genus Flindersia.
FLORISTRIESFLORISTRY n. the art of cultivating and selling flowers.
FLUORIDISESfluoridises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fluoridise.
FLUORIDISE v. to add fluoride to drinking water, also FLUORIDIZE.
FRIZZLINESSFRIZZLINESS n. the state of being frizzly.
MICROFOSSILmicrofossil n. A microscopic fossil.
MICROFOSSIL n. a very small fossil.
SIMPLIFIERSsimplifiers n. Plural of simplifier.
SIMPLIFIER n. something that simplifies.
SOLIDIFIERSsolidifiers n. Plural of solidifier.
SOLIDIFIER n. one who solidifies.
STULTIFIERSstultifiers n. Plural of stultifier.
STULTIFIER n. one who stultifies.
SULFURISINGsulfurising v. Present participle of sulfurise.
SULFURISE v. to combine or impregnate with sulphur or any of its compounds, also SULFURIZE, SULPHURISE, SULPHURIZE.
TRISULFIDEStrisulfides n. Plural of trisulfide.
TRISULFIDE n. a sulphide with three atoms of sulphur to the molecule, also TRISULPHIDE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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