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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 11 eleven-letter words containing F, H, I, L, R, S and T

FATHERLIESTFATHERLY adj. like a father.
FLYPITCHERSfly-pitchers n. Plural of fly-pitcher.
FLYPITCHER n. one who runs a flypitch, a market stall for which an operator has no licence.
FREIGHTLESSfreightless adj. Without freight.
FREIGHTLESS adj. without freight.
FRITHSTOOLSfrithstools n. Plural of frithstool.
frith␣stools n. Plural of frith stool.
FRITHSTOOL n. a seat in churches near the altar, to which offenders formerly fled for sanctuary.
LETHIFEROUSlethiferous adj. (Obsolete) Deadly, lethal.
LETHIFEROUS adj. causing death; carrying or bearing death.
OVERFLIGHTSoverflights n. Plural of overflight.
OVERFLIGHT n. a passage over an area in an aircraft.
PITCHERFULSpitcherfuls n. Plural of pitcherful.
PITCHERFUL n. the quantity a pitcher will hold.
PITCHERSFULpitchersful n. Plural of pitcherful.
PITCHERFUL n. the quantity a pitcher will hold.
SHERIFFALTYsheriffalty n. The office or jurisdiction of a sheriff.
SHERIFFALTY n. the office of sheriff, also SHRIEVALTY.
SHOPLIFTERSshoplifters n. Plural of shoplifter.
SHOPLIFTER n. one who shoplifts.
ULTRAFICHESultrafiches n. Plural of ultrafiche.
ULTRAFICHE n. a sheet of microfilm the same size as a microfiche but with a greater number of microcopied records on it.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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