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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing F, G, 2I, O, T and U

ANTIFOULINGantifouling adj. That prevents or counteracts the buildup of barnacles and other deposits on undersea surfaces such as those of boats.
antifouling n. Any substance that prevents or counteracts the buildup of barnacles and other deposits on undersea surfaces…
ANTIFOULING n. an antifouling substance applied in paint form to ships' bottoms, etc.
FIGURATIONSfigurations n. Plural of figuration.
FIGURATION n. the act of giving figure or form.
FORTUNISINGfortunising v. Present participle of fortunise.
FORTUNISE v. to make happy or fortunate, also FORTUNIZE.
FORTUNIZINGfortunizing v. Present participle of fortunize.
FORTUNIZE v. (Spenser) to make fortunate or happy, also FORTUNISE.
FOUNTAININGfountaining v. Present participle of fountain.
FOUNTAIN v. to display water like small waterfalls.
FUGITATIONSfugitations n. Plural of fugitation.
FUGITATION n. in Scots law, absconding from justice.
FUMIGATIONSfumigations n. Plural of fumigation.
FUMIGATION n. the act of fumigating.
FUNCTIONINGfunctioning v. Present participle of function.
functioning adj. Functional, working.
functioning adj. (Euphemistic, of a person) Mentally disabled but still able to survive in wider society.
FUNGOSITIESfungosities n. Plural of fungosity.
FUNGOSITY n. the quality of being fungous.
FUSTIGATIONfustigation n. A beating with a club.
fustigation n. (By extension) a harsh verbal assault.
FUSTIGATION n. beating with a club.
OUTFIGHTINGoutfighting v. Present participle of outfight.
OUTFIGHTING n. fighting at a distance, not at close range.
OUTFIGURINGoutfiguring v. Present participle of outfigure.
OUTFIGURE v. to surpass in figuring.
OUTFITTINGSoutfittings n. Plural of outfitting.
OUTFITTING n. the act of outfitting.
OUTFLINGINGoutflinging v. Present participle of outfling.
outflinging n. A flinging outward.
OUTFLING v. to whip out.
UNPROFITINGunprofiting adj. Achieving no gain or profit.
UNPROFITING n. the lack of profit or gain.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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