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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing F, I, R, S, 2T and U

BUTTERFISHbutterfish n. Any of various species of fish having a slippery mucous coating, especially.
butterfish n. (Informal) The sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) (the sablefish is not a true butterfish; but is called such informally).
BUTTERFISH n. a name given to several different fishes, in allusion to their slippery coating of mucus.
FORTITUDESfortitudes n. Plural of fortitude.
FORTITUDE n. strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with courage.
FORTUITIESfortuities n. Plural of fortuity.
FORTUITY n. an accidental occurrence.
FORTUITISMfortuitism n. The doctrine that chance is involved in natural events rather than absolute determinism.
FORTUITISM n. belief in evolution by chance variation.
FORTUITISTfortuitist n. A believer in fortuitism.
FORTUITIST n. one who believes in evolution by chance variation.
FORTUITOUSfortuitous adj. Happening by chance; coincidental, accidental.
fortuitous adj. Happening by a lucky chance; lucky or fortunate.
fortuitous adj. (Law) Happening independently of human will.
FUSTIGATORfustigator n. A person who fustigates.
FUSTIGATOR n. one who fustigates, beats with a club.
FUTURISTICfuturistic adj. Of technology, a concept, etc, so far advanced as to appear to be from the future.
FUTURISTIC adj. of or relating to futurism, an artistic movement.
FUTURITIESfuturities n. Plural of futurity.
FUTURITY n. the state of being in the future.
OUTFITTERSoutfitters n. Plural of outfitter.
OUTFITTER n. a person who deals in clothing, haberdashery, sporting equipment, etc.
STARFRUITSstarfruits n. Plural of starfruit.
star␣fruits n. Plural of star fruit.
STARFRUIT n. a flower, the Star of Bethlehem.
STOUTHRIEFstouthrief n. (Archaic) A Scottish criminal offense; a form of rief (theft) committed by force.
STOUTHRIEF n. (Scots) theft with violence.
STULTIFIERstultifier n. One who stultifies.
STULTIFIER n. one who stultifies.
TRISTFULLYtristfully adv. In a tristful manner; sadly.
TRISTFUL adv. (Shakespeare) sad, mournful, also TRIST, TRISTE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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