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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing F, 2I, L, N, O and R

FIBROLINESFIBROLINE n. a yarn of flax, jute and hemp waste.
FILTRATIONfiltration n. The act or process of filtering; the mechanical separation of a liquid from the undissolved particles floating in it.
filtration n. (Mathematics, set theory, probability theory) A totally ordered collection of subsets.
FILTRATION n. the act of filtering.
FLIRTATIONflirtation n. Playing at courtship; coquetry.
flirtation n. An instance of flirting.
flirtation n. A period of experimentation with or interest in a particular idea or activity.
FLORIATIONfloriation n. Ornamentation by means of flower forms, either realistic or stylized.
FLORIATION n. decoration with floral ornament.
FLORIGENICflorigenic adj. (Botany) Promoting flowering or the formation of flowers.
FLORIGENIC adj. relating to florigen, a postulated flower-forming hormone.
FLORUITINGSorry, definition not available.
FORHAILINGFORHAILE v. (Spenser) to distract.
FRICTIONALfrictional adj. Relating to, or caused by, friction.
FRICTIONAL adj. relating to friction.
FRIVOLLINGfrivolling v. Present participle of frivol.
FRIVOL v. to behave playfully.
FROLICKINGfrolicking v. Present participle of frolic.
frolicking n. The act of one who frolics.
FROLIC v. to play and run about merrily.
GLORIFYINGglorifying v. Present participle of glorify.
GLORIFY v. to bestow honour or praise on.
INFERIORLYinferiorly adv. In an inferior manner.
inferiorly adv. In an inferior direction.
INFERIOR adv. lower in any respect, worse.
INFLICTORSinflictors n. Plural of inflictor.
INFLICTOR n. one who inflicts, also INFLICTER.
INFUSORIALinfusorial adj. Of, relating to, or containing infusoria.
INFUSORIAL adj. composed of or containing infusoria, also INFUSORY.
LINGUIFORMlinguiform adj. Shaped like a tongue.
LINGUIFORM adj. shaped like a tongue.
MONILIFORMmoniliform adj. Having a form resembling a string of beads, where the component parts or segments are more or less uniform…
MONILIFORM adj. having narrow intervals or joints resembling a string of beads.
PROFILINGSprofilings n. Plural of profiling.
PROFILING n. the process of compiling a profile of a person's physical (e.g. DNA) or psychological characteristics.
RIBOFLAVINriboflavin n. (Biochemistry) Yellow or orange-yellow water-soluble compound, a member of the vitamin B complex, that…
RIBOFLAVIN n. a member of vitamin B complex, in yellowish-brown crystals, promoting growth in children, also RIBOFLAVINE.
UNPROLIFICunprolific adj. Not prolific.
UNPROLIFIC adj. not prolific.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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