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There are 17 words containing F, 2N, R, S and W

CROWDFUNDINGSCROWDFUNDING n. the practice of soliciting financial contributions from a large number of people especially from the online community.
FENNELFLOWERSFENNELFLOWER n. any of various species of the plant nigella with finely-divided leaves.
FOREWARNINGSforewarnings n. Plural of forewarning.
FOREWARNING n. the act of forewarning.
FORSWINKINGforswinking v. Present participle of forswink.
FORSWINK v. (obsolete) to exhaust by labour.
FORSWORNNESSforswornness n. The state of being forsworn.
FORSWORNNESS n. the state of being forsworn.
FORSWORNNESSESFORSWORNNESS n. the state of being forsworn.
FRONTIERSWOMANfrontierswoman n. The female equivalent of a frontiersman.
FRONTIERSWOMAN n. a female person who lives or works on a frontier.
FRONTIERSWOMENfrontierswomen n. Plural of frontierswoman.
FRONTIERSWOMAN n. a female person who lives or works on a frontier.
HALFPENNYWORTHShalfpennyworths n. Plural of halfpennyworth.
HALFPENNYWORTH n. as much as is sold for a halfpenny or is worth a halfpenny.
SNOWSURFINGsnowsurfing n. A boardsport performed on snow.
SNOWSURFING n. surfing on snow.
WINDSURFINGwindsurfing n. A marine sport in which one stands on a floating board (typically 2 - 3 meters in length) to which a…
windsurfing v. Present participle of windsurf.
WINDSURFING n. the sport of surfing on a sailboard.
WINDSURFINGSWINDSURFING n. the sport of surfing on a sailboard.
WONDERFULNESSwonderfulness n. The state of being wonderful.
WONDERFULNESS n. the state of being wonderful.
WONDERFULNESSESwonderfulnesses n. Plural of wonderfulness.
WONDERFULNESS n. the state of being wonderful.
WRONGFULNESSwrongfulness n. The state or quality of being wrongful.
WRONGFULNESS n. the state of being wrongful.
WRONGFULNESSESwrongfulnesses n. Plural of wrongfulness.
WRONGFULNESS n. the state of being wrongful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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