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There are 20 words containing F, L, 2O, P and Y

TOPLOFTYtoplofty adj. Self-important, haughty.
TOPLOFTY adj. high and mighty, haughty, also TOPLOFTICAL.
SPLAYFOOTsplayfoot n. (Uncountable) A deformity in which the feet are abnormally flat and turned outwards.
splayfoot n. (Countable) A foot exhibiting that deformity.
SPLAYFOOT n. a foot that is abnormally flattened and spread out.
FLUOROTYPEfluorotype n. (Historical) A photographic process in which salts of fluoric acid were employed for the purpose of…
FLUOROTYPE n. (obsolete) photography by means of fluorides.
POLYOLEFINpolyolefin n. (Chemistry) A polymer (such as polyethylene) made by the polymerization of an olefin.
polyolefin n. (Chemistry) A polyene.
POLYOLEFIN n. a polymer of an alkene (as polyethylene).
PROFOUNDLYprofoundly adv. (Manner) With depth, meaningfully.
profoundly adv. (Evaluative) Very importantly.
profoundly adv. (Degree) Deeply; very; strongly or forcefully.
TOPLOFTILYtoploftily adv. In a toplofty manner.
TOPLOFTY adv. high and mighty, haughty, also TOPLOFTICAL.
FLUOROSCOPYfluoroscopy n. (Medicine) Examination using a fluoroscope.
FLUOROSCOPY n. examination with a fluoroscope.
FLUOROTYPESfluorotypes n. Plural of fluorotype.
FLUOROTYPE n. (obsolete) photography by means of fluorides.
MICROFLOPPYmicrofloppy n. Alternative spelling of micro-floppy.
micro-floppy n. (Computing, dated) a 3.5-inch floppy diskette.
micro␣floppy n. Alternative spelling of micro-floppy.
POLYOLEFINSpolyolefins n. Plural of polyolefin.
POLYOLEFIN n. a polymer of an alkene (as polyethylene).
SPLAYFOOTEDsplayfooted adj. Having a splayfoot or splayfeet.
splay-footed adj. Having a splayfoot or splayfeet.
SPLAYFOOTED adj. having splayed feet.
CHLORPYRIFOSchlorpyrifos n. A crystalline organophosphate insecticide that inhibits acetylcholinesterase.[diethoxy-sulfanylidene-(3,5,6-trichloropy…
FLUOROGRAPHYfluorography n. Photofluorography.
fluorography n. Visualisation of radiolabelled material.
FLUOROGRAPHY n. the photography of the image produced on a fluorescent screen by X rays.
PROLIFEROUSLYproliferously adv. In a proliferous manner.
PROLIFEROUS adv. producing buds and/or new plants vegetatively.
SOPORIFICALLYsoporifically adv. In a soporific manner.
SOPORIFIC adv. tending to produce sleep.
SPLAYFOOTEDLYSPLAYFOOTED adv. having splayed feet.
CHLORPYRIFOSESSorry, definition not available.
PROFESSIONALLYprofessionally adv. As a professional; for one’s paid career.
professionally adv. In a professional manner.
PROFESSIONAL adv. of, belonging to or relating to a profession.
PROFESSORIALLYprofessorially adv. In a professorial manner.
PROFESSORIAL adv. of or like a professor.
SOPORIFEROUSLYsoporiferously adv. In a soporiferous manner.
SOPORIFEROUS adv. causing or tending to cause sleep.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 609 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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