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There are 17 words containing F, I, Q, 2S and U

AQUAFITNESSaquafitness n. Water aerobics, typically preceded or followed by stretching exercises.
AQUAFITNESS n. fitness obtained through water-based exercise.
AQUAFITNESSESAQUAFITNESS n. fitness obtained through water-based exercise.
AQUAFORTISESAQUAFORTIS n. concentrated nitric acid, used for etching.
AQUAFORTISTSaquafortists n. Plural of aquafortist.
AQUAFORTIST n. an etcher or engraver who uses aquafortis.
DISQUALIFIERSdisqualifiers n. Plural of disqualifier.
DISQUALIFIER n. one who disqualifies.
DISQUALIFIESdisqualifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disqualify.
DISQUALIFY v. to debar.
FELQUISTESfelquistes n. Plural of felquiste.
FELQUISTE n. (Canadian) a member of the FLQ, a separatist paramilitary group wanting independence for Quebec.
MOSQUITOFISHmosquitofish n. Any of several small fish that feed on mosquitoes, but especially those of the genus Gambusia.
MOSQUITOFISH n. a species of freshwater fish, native to the southeastern US.
MOSQUITOFISHESmosquitofishes n. Plural of mosquitofish.
MOSQUITOFISH n. a species of freshwater fish, native to the southeastern US.
QUEENFISHESqueenfishes n. Plural of queenfish.
QUEENFISH n. a Californian blue-and-silver fish, aka DRUMFISH.
SQUAWFISHsquawfish n. A cyprinid fish of the genus Ptychocheilus, a voracious predator on small trout and salmon.
squaw␣fish n. Alternative form of squawfish.
SQUAWFISH n. a large cyprinid fish of North America.
SQUAWFISHESsquawfishes n. Plural of squawfish.
SQUAWFISH n. a large cyprinid fish of North America.
SQUIFFERSSQUIFFER n. (slang) a concertina.
SQUIFFIESTsquiffiest adj. Superlative form of squiffy: most squiffy.
SQUIFFY adj. (colloquial) tipsy, drunk, also SQUIFF, SQUIFFED.
SQUIRRELFISHsquirrelfish n. Any member of the subfamily Holocentrinae of the family Holocentridae of ray-finned fish.
SQUIRRELFISH n. any of various brightly-coloured marine fishes of the family Holocentridae of shallow tropical waters, so called because their large eyes resemble those of the squirrel.
SQUIRRELFISHESsquirrelfishes n. Plural of squirrelfish.
SQUIRRELFISH n. any of various brightly-coloured marine fishes of the family Holocentridae of shallow tropical waters, so called because their large eyes resemble those of the squirrel.
UNQUALIFIEDNESSunqualifiedness n. The state or condition of being unqualified.
UNQUALIFIEDNESS n. the state of being unqualified.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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