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There are 15 words containing F, H, L, 2O and W

FLOORSHOWfloorshow n. A set of performances held in a nightclub, restaurant or similar during the course of an evening.
floor␣show n. Alternative spelling of floorshow.
FLOORSHOW n. entertainment of the floor of a nightclub.
FLOORSHOWSfloorshows n. Plural of floorshow.
floor␣shows n. Plural of floor show.
FLOORSHOW n. entertainment of the floor of a nightclub.
FLOWERHORNflowerhorn n. A brightly-coloured ornamental cichlid with a distinctive nuchal hump.
FLOWERHORN adj. as in flowerhorn fish, a brightly coloured cichlid fish with a large protuberance on the head.
FOLLOWERSHIPfollowership n. Adherence to a leader.
followership n. A group of followers.
FOLLOWERSHIP n. being a follower.
FOLLOWERSHIPSfollowerships n. Plural of followership.
FOLLOWERSHIP n. being a follower.
FOLLOWSHIPFOLLOWSHIP n. the practice of doing what other people suggest.
FOLLOWSHIPSFOLLOWSHIP n. the practice of doing what other people suggest.
GOODFELLOWSHIPgood-fellowship n. The spirit of goodwill that exists among friends; comradeship.
GOODFELLOWSHIP n. the office of goodfellow.
GOODFELLOWSHIPSGOODFELLOWSHIP n. the office of goodfellow.
SCHOOLFELLOWschoolfellow n. Synonym of schoolmate: a student at the same school.
SCHOOLFELLOW n. a fellow pupil at a school.
SCHOOLFELLOWSschoolfellows n. Plural of schoolfellow.
SCHOOLFELLOW n. a fellow pupil at a school.
WHOLEFOODwholefood n. Alternative spelling of whole food.
whole␣food n. Food that is unprocessed and unrefined, or processed or refined as little as possible.
WHOLEFOOD n. unprocessed, natural food.
WHOLEFOODSwholefoods n. Plural of wholefood.
whole␣foods n. Plural of whole food.
WHOLEFOOD n. unprocessed, natural food.
WOLFHOUNDwolfhound n. A dog of various breeds originally developed to hunt wolves.
WOLFHOUND n. any of several breeds of a large domestic dog.
WOLFHOUNDSwolfhounds n. Plural of wolfhound.
WOLFHOUND n. any of several breeds of a large domestic dog.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 423 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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