FENUGREEKS | • fenugreeks n. Plural of fenugreek. • FENUGREEK n. a kind of herb. |
FLOUTINGSTOCK | • FLOUTINGSTOCK n. (Shakespeare) a person or thing that is flouted. |
FLOUTINGSTOCKS | • FLOUTINGSTOCK n. (Shakespeare) a person or thing that is flouted. |
FUCKINGS | • fuckings n. (Vulgar) plural of fucking. • fuckings n. (Demoscene) Public abuse directed at rival demosceners, often included in the scrolltext of a demo;… • FUCKING n. sexual intercourse. |
FUSKERING | • FUSKER v. to generates obvious passwords and filenames in order to extract data that is held on free websites. |
FUSKING | • fusking n. (Computing) The use of a fusker. • FUSK v. to obtain data from (a website) by using a fusker. |
KITESURFING | • kitesurfing n. A type of kiteboarding that happens in the water, where the rider is on a surfboard and is propelled by a power kite. • kitesurfing v. Present participle of kitesurf. • kite␣surfing n. Alternative form of kitesurfing. |
KITESURFINGS | • KITESURFING n. the sport of surfing while towed by a kite. |
SKYSURFING | • skysurfing n. A kind of skydiving where the skydiver has a surfboard attached to the feet, and performs surfing-like… • SKYSURFING n. the sport of free-falling from an aeroplane with a modified surfboard attached to the feet, which is used to ride the air currents. |
SKYSURFINGS | • SKYSURFING n. the sport of free-falling from an aeroplane with a modified surfboard attached to the feet, which is used to ride the air currents. |
STARFUCKING | • starfucking adj. (Vulgar) Seeking inordinate personal benefits from the wishes and needs of a celebrity. • starfucking n. (Vulgar) The activity of having sexual relations with celebrities. • starfucking v. Present participle of starfuck. |
STARFUCKINGS | • STARFUCKING n. (vulgar) having sexual relations with celebrities. |
TURFSKIING | • TURFSKIING n. skiing using turfskis. |
TURFSKIINGS | • TURFSKIING n. skiing using turfskis. |