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There are 18 words containing F, G, I, 2N and V

VINIFYINGvinifying v. Present participle of vinify.
VINIFY v. to convert into wine by fermentation.
ENFEVERINGenfevering v. Present participle of enfever.
ENFEVER v. to excite fever in.
UNFORGIVENunforgiven adj. Not forgiven.
unforgiven n. Those who cannot be forgiven.
unforgiven v. Simple past tense and past participle of unforgive.
DIVINIFYINGdivinifying v. Present participle of divinify.
DIVINIFY v. to treat as divine, also DIVINIZE, DIVINISE.
OVERFUNDINGoverfunding n. Excess funding.
overfunding v. Present participle of overfund.
OVERFUNDING n. the act of funding to excess.
UNFORGIVINGunforgiving adj. Unwilling or unable to forgive or show mercy.
unforgiving adj. Having no allowance for weakness.
UNFORGIVING adj. unwilling or unable to forgive.
OVERFUNDINGSoverfundings n. Plural of overfunding.
OVERFUNDING n. the act of funding to excess.
OVERREFININGoverrefining v. Present participle of overrefine.
OVERREFINE v. to refine excessively.
FORGIVINGNESSforgivingness n. The quality of being forgiving.
FORGIVINGNESS n. the state of being forgiving.
NONFIGURATIVEnonfigurative adj. Not figurative.
NONFIGURATIVE adj. not figurative.
OVERINFLATINGoverinflating v. Present participle of overinflate.
OVERINFLATE v. to inflate excessively.
OVERINFORMINGoverinforming v. Present participle of overinform.
OVERINFORM v. to inform excessively.
UNFORGIVENESSunforgiveness n. Lack of forgiveness.
UNFORGIVENESS n. the state of being unforgiving, also UNFORGIVINGNESS.
FORGIVINGNESSESFORGIVINGNESS n. the state of being forgiving.
INSIGNIFICATIVEinsignificative adj. Not expressing meaning; not significant.
INSIGNIFICATIVE adj. not significative or expressing by external signs.
OVERIDENTIFYINGoveridentifying v. Present participle of overidentify.
OVERIDENTIFY v. to identify to excess.
UNFORGIVINGNESSunforgivingness n. The quality of being unforgiving.
UNFORGIVINGNESS n. the state of being unforgiving, also UNFORGIVENESS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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