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There are 12 words containing F, G, I, M, P and S

FILMOGRAPHIESfilmographies n. Plural of filmography.
FILMOGRAPHY n. a list of the films of a particular actor or director.
OVERSIMPLIFYINGoversimplifying v. Present participle of oversimplify.
OVERSIMPLIFY v. to simplify to such an extent as to bring about distortion, misunderstanding, or error.
PERFORMINGSperformings n. Plural of performing.
PERFORMING n. the act of doing something.
PLATFORMINGSPLATFORMING n. a process for reforming petroleum using a platinum catalyst.
POSTFORMINGpostforming v. Present participle of postform.
POSTFORM v. to shape subsequently.
POSTMODIFYINGpostmodifying v. Present participle of postmodify.
POSTMODIFY v. to modify the sense of (a word or phrase) by being placed after it.
PREFIGUREMENTSprefigurements n. Plural of prefigurement.
PREFIGUREMENT n. the act of prefiguring.
SIMPLIFYINGsimplifying v. Present participle of simplify.
SIMPLIFY v. to make simple.
SLIPFORMINGslipforming v. Present participle of slipform.
slipforming n. The use of the slipform technique in working with concrete.
SLIPFORM v. to construct with the use of a mould.
SPONGIFORMspongiform adj. Like a sponge, porous, full of holes.
SPONGIFORM adj. resembling a sponge; soft and porous.
SPRINGFORMspringform n. (Often attributive) A round baking tin with a rim that can be detached from the base.
SPRINGFORMSspringforms n. Plural of springform.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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