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There are 20 nine-letter words containing F, O, 2R, S and U

BURSIFORMbursiform adj. Shaped like a purse or bag.
BURSIFORM adj. shaped like a pouch or purse.
CROSSRUFFcrossruff n. (Bridge) A play in which tricks are taken by taking alternate ruffs in each hand.
crossruff v. (Bridge) To execute a play of this kind.
cross-ruff n. Alternative form of crossruff.
FAVOURERSfavourers n. Plural of favourer.
FAVOURER n. one that favors, also FAVORER.
FERVOROUSfervorous adj. With fervour; fervent.
FERVOROUS adj. full of fervor.
FLUORSPARfluorspar n. (Mineralogy) A halide mineral composed of calcium fluoride.
FLUORSPAR n. a mineral, calcium fluoride, also FLUOR, FLUORITE.
FORMULARSFORMULAR n. a model or set form.
FOURSCOREfourscore num. (Now archaic) Eighty.
fourscore num. (Idiomatic) A full-length life, reckoned as eighty years.
fourscore n. A quantity or amount of eighty.
FROIDEURSfroideurs n. Plural of froideur.
FROIDEUR n. (French) coolness in personal relationships.
FRONDEURSfrondeurs n. Plural of frondeur.
FRONDEUR n. (French) a member of the Fronde, a rebellious movement established in France during the reign of Louis XIV.
FROTTEURSfrotteurs n. Plural of frotteur.
FROTTEUR n. (French) the active participant in frottage, in the sexual sense.
FROUFROUSfroufrous n. Plural of froufrou.
frou-frous n. Plural of frou-frou.
FROUFROU n. (French) the rustling of silk; frills or decoration.
FURFUROLSfurfurols n. Plural of furfurol.
FURFUROL n. a liquid obtained by heating bran with dilute sulphuric acid, also FURAL, FURFURAL, FURFURALDEHYDE, FURFUROLE, FUROL, FUROLE.
FURFUROUSfurfurous adj. Furfuraceous.
FURFUROUS adj. containing bran or particles resembling bran, also FURFURACEOUS.
FURROWERSfurrowers n. Plural of furrower.
FURROWER n. one that makes furrows.
OVERRUFFSoverruffs n. Plural of overruff.
overruffs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overruff.
OVERRUFF v. at cards, to trump with a higher card than those already played.
PROFUSERSPROFUSER n. a prodigal or spendthrift.
RUSTPROOFrustproof adj. Resistant to rust, oxidation and corrosion.
rustproof adj. Resistant to the rust fungus.
rustproof v. To make resistant to rust, such as by applying a coating.
RYEFLOURSRYEFLOUR n. a pasture and fodder type of grass, also RAYGRASS, RYEGRASS.
SORROWFULsorrowful adj. (Of a person) exhibiting sorrow; dejected; distraught; sad.
sorrowful adj. Producing sorrow; causing grief.
SORROWFUL adj. sad.
SURFBOARDsurfboard n. A shaped waterproof plank, usually made of wood or foam and reinforced plastic, used to surf on waves.
surfboard v. To use a surfboard; to surf.
SURFBOARD n. a long narrow board used in surfing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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