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There are 17 nine-letter words containing F, M, N, O, R and S

CHAMFRONSchamfrons n. Plural of chamfron.
CHAMFRON n. a piece of leather, or plate of steel, to protect the head of a horse in battle, also CHAFFRON, CHAMFRAIN, CHANFRON.
CUNIFORMScuniforms n. Plural of cuniform.
CUNIFORM n. a wedge-shaped script, also CUNEIFORM.
DISINFORMdisinform v. (Transitive) To supply with disinformation.
DISINFORM v. to inform incorrectly, also MISINFORM.
FOMENTERSfomenters n. Plural of fomenter.
FOMENTER n. one who foments.
FOREMEANSFOREMEAN v. to intend beforehand.
FORENAMESforenames n. Plural of forename.
forenames v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of forename.
FORENAME n. a first name.
FORMALINSformalins n. Plural of formalin.
FORMALIN n. an aqueous solution of formaldehyde, used as a disinfectant, preservative for biological specimens, etc., also FORMALINE.
FREEMASONfreemason n. A member of a guild of skilled itinerant masons during the Middle Ages and early modern times.
Freemason n. A member of the Free and Accepted Masons (sometimes entitled Ancient Free and Accepted Masons), an international…
FREEMASON n. in the Middle Ages, a stonemason of a superior grade.
INFORMERSinformers n. Plural of informer.
INFORMER n. one that informs.
LANDFORMSlandforms n. Plural of landform.
LANDFORM n. a natural feature of the earth's surface.
MISINFORMmisinform v. (Transitive) To give or deliver false, fake, or misleading information.
MISINFORM v. to inform incorrectly, also DISINFORM.
MOONROOFSmoonroofs n. Plural of moonroof.
moon␣roofs n. Plural of moon roof.
MOONROOF n. the transport roof of a motor car.
PLANFORMSplanforms n. Plural of planform.
PLANFORM n. the contour of an object as viewed from above.
REINFORMSreinforms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reinform.
REINFORM v. to inform again.
SPINIFORMspiniform adj. Shaped like a spine.
SPINIFORM adj. like a thorn or spine.
TRANSFORMtransform v. (Transitive) To change greatly the appearance or form of.
transform v. (Transitive) To change the nature, condition or function of; to change in nature, disposition, heart…
transform v. (Transitive, mathematics) To subject to a transformation; to change into another form without altering the value.
UNCIFORMSunciforms n. Plural of unciform.
UNCIFORM n. a bone of the wrist.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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