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There are 19 nine-letter words containing F, L, O, S and 2U

DOUBTFULSdoubtfuls n. Plural of doubtful.
DOUBTFUL n. something doubtful e.g. a starter in a race.
FATUOUSLYfatuously adv. With smug stupidity or vacuous silliness; idiotically.
FATUOUS adv. silly; purposeless, also FATUITOUS.
FISTULOUSfistulous adj. Of or pertaining to a fistula.
fistulous adj. Resembling a reed; hollow and tubular.
FISTULOUS adj. hollow and cylindrical, like a pipe or reed, also FISTULAR, FISTULATE, FISTULOSE.
FLOCCULUSflocculus n. A small fluffy tuft.
flocculus n. (Anatomy) Either of two small lobes on the posterior border of the cerebellum.
flocculus n. (Astronomy) A marking on the surface of the sun associated with a solar prominence.
FULGOROUSfulgorous adj. Flashing or shining brightly.
FULGOROUS adj. flashing like lightning, also FULGUROUS, FULGURANT.
FULGUROUSfulgurous adj. Resembling a lightning flash; fulgurant.
fulgurous adj. Full of lightning.
FULGUROUS adj. flashing like lightning, also FULGOROUS, FULGURANT.
FULMINOUSfulminous adj. Explosive.
fulminous adj. (Figurative) furious.
FULMINOUS adj. relating to thunder and lightning, also FULMINEOUS.
FURFUROLSfurfurols n. Plural of furfurol.
FURFUROL n. a liquid obtained by heating bran with dilute sulphuric acid, also FURAL, FURFURAL, FURFURALDEHYDE, FURFUROLE, FUROL, FUROLE.
FURIOUSLYfuriously adv. In a furious manner; angrily.
furiously adv. Quickly; frantically; with great effort or speed.
furiously adv. Intensely, as with embarrassment.
FURLOUGHSfurloughs n. Plural of furlough.
furloughs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of furlough.
Furloughs prop.n. Plural of Furlough.
GOURDFULSgourdfuls n. Plural of gourdful.
GOURDFUL n. the contents of a gourd.
HOUSEFULShousefuls n. Plural of houseful.
HOUSEFUL n. as much as a house can hold.
MOUTHFULSmouthfuls n. Plural of mouthful.
MOUTHFUL n. as much as a mouth can hold.
OUTBLUFFSoutbluffs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outbluff.
OUTBLUFF v. to surpass in bluffing.
POUCHFULSpouchfuls n. Plural of pouchful.
POUCHFUL n. as much as a pouch can hold.
SOULFULLYsoulfully adv. In a soulful manner.
SOULFUL adv. full of emotion.
SOURCEFULSOURCEFUL adj. offering useful things.
SULFONIUMsulfonium n. (Inorganic chemistry) the univalent H3S+ cation, derived from sulfane.
sulfonium n. (Organic chemistry) any derivative of this cation in which one or more hydrogen atoms are replaced by…
SULFONIUM n. the positively charged group SH3, its salts or derivatives, also SULPHONIUM.
SULFUROUSsulfurous adj. (American spelling) Containing sulfur.
sulfurous adj. (Chemistry) Of, or relating to sulfur, especially in its lower oxidation state.
SULFUROUS adj. containing sulphur in lower valency; pertaining to hellfire, also SULPHUROUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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