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There are 15 nine-letter words containing F, I, O, R and 2T

FOOTPRINTfootprint n. The impression of the foot in a soft substance such as sand or snow.
footprint n. Space required by a piece of equipment.
footprint n. (Computing) The amount of hard drive space required for a program.
FOREBITTSFOREBITT n. a post for fastening cables at a ship's foremast.
FORTHWITHforthwith adv. (Chiefly formal, literary) Without delay; immediately.
FORTHWITH adv. immediately.
FORTIETHSfortieths n. Plural of fortieth.
FORTIETH n. one of forty equal parts.
FORTITUDEfortitude n. Mental or emotional strength that enables courage in the face of adversity.
fortitude n. (Archaic) Physical strength.
FORTITUDE n. strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with courage.
FORTNIGHTfortnight n. (Chiefly UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, dated in North America) A period of 2 weeks.
FORTNIGHT n. a period of two weeks.
FRONTLISTfrontlist n. (Publishing) A list of the most recent books available from a publisher, as opposed to the backlist of older titles.
FRONTLIST n. a list of books about to be published.
FROSTBITEfrostbite n. An injury suffered as a result of freezing of some part of the body, typically fingers, toes or the nose.
frostbite v. (Transitive) To expose to the effect of frost, or a frosty air; to blight or nip with frost. (Can we…
frostbite v. (Intransitive) To engage in winter sailboating.
FROSTIESTfrostiest adj. Superlative form of frosty: most frosty.
FROSTY adj. covered with frost.
FROTHIESTfrothiest adj. Superlative form of frothy: most frothy.
FROTHY adj. covered with froth.
OUTFITTERoutfitter n. A person or shop that sells specialized clothes and equipment.
outfitter n. A business that provides services for outdoor activities including accommodations.
OUTFITTER n. a person who deals in clothing, haberdashery, sporting equipment, etc.
REOUTFITSreoutfits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reoutfit.
REOUTFIT v. to outfit again.
RETROFITSretrofits n. Plural of retrofit.
retrofits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of retrofit.
RETROFIT v. to furnish with new parts not originally available.
STAIRFOOTstairfoot n. The foot, or bottom, of a flight of stairs.
Stairfoot prop.n. A suburban area and ward in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, England (OS grid ref SE3705).
STAIRFOOT n. the level place at the foot of the stairs.
TECTIFORMtectiform adj. (Biology, anthropology) Roof-shaped; sloping downwards on two sides from a raised central ridge.
tectiform n. (Anthropology) A type of cave painting or engraving, having in its simplest form the shape of an upward-pointing…
TECTIFORM adj. shaped like a roof.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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