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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing F, I, 2O, S and U

CONFUSIONconfusion n. A lack of clarity or order.
confusion n. The state of being confused; misunderstanding.
confusion n. The act of mistaking one thing for another or conflating distinct things.
FELONIOUSfelonious adj. Of, relating to, being, or having the quality of felony.
felonious adj. (Law) Done with intent to commit a crime.
FELONIOUS adj. like a felon, wicked.
FEROCIOUSferocious adj. Marked by extreme and violent energy.
ferocious adj. Extreme or intense.
FEROCIOUS adj. fierce.
FLUOROSISfluorosis n. (Medicine) Any adverse condition due to an excess of fluoride.
FLUOROSIS n. an abnormal condition due to excess fluoride, involving mottling of the teeth.
FRIVOLOUSfrivolous adj. Silly, especially at an inappropriate time or in an inappropriate manner.
frivolous adj. Of little weight or importance; not worth notice; slight; trivial.
frivolous adj. (Law, said of a lawsuit) Having no reasonable prospect of success because its claim is without merit…
ODIFEROUSodiferous adj. (Proscribed) Odoriferous; smelly.
ODIFEROUS adj. having odour, also ODORIFEROUS.
OFFICIOUSofficious adj. (Obsolete) Obliging, attentive, eager to please.
officious adj. Offensively intrusive or interfering in offering advice and services.
OFFICIOUS adj. volunteering one's services too eagerly.
OVIFEROUSoviferous adj. Producing or bearing eggs.
OVIFEROUS adj. egg-carrying, also OVIGEROUS.
PROFUSIONprofusion n. Abundance; the state of being profuse; a cornucopia.
profusion n. Lavish or imprudent expenditure; prodigality or extravagance.
PROFUSION n. the state of being profuse.
UFOLOGIESufologies n. Plural of ufology.
UFOLOGY n. the study of unidentified flying objects.
UFOLOGISTufologist n. A person who studies UFOs.
UFOLOGIST n. one interested in ufos.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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