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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing F, I, N, 2O and T

CONFITEORconfiteor n. (Christianity, chiefly Roman Catholicism) A prayer, typically beginning “I confess to Almighty God…”…
Confiteor n. Alternative letter-case form of confiteor.
CONFITEOR n. (Latin) a prayer of confession of sins.
FLOTATIONflotation n. A state of floating, or being afloat.
flotation n. The ability (as of a tire or snowshoes) to stay on the surface of soft ground or snow.
flotation n. (Mining, chemical engineering) A process of separating minerals by agitating a mixture with water and…
FOETATIONfoetation n. Alternative form of fetation.
FOETATION n. the formation of a foetus in the womb, also FETATION.
FOLIATIONfoliation n. (Botany) The process of forming into a leaf or leaves.
foliation n. (Publishing) The process of forming into pages; pagination.
foliation n. (Codicology, publishing) The numbering of the folios of a manuscript or a book.
FOOTERINGfootering v. Present participle of footer.
FOOTER v. to mess around aimlessly.
FOOTLINGSfootlings n. Plural of footling.
FOOTLING n. the act of pottering about.
FOOTPRINTfootprint n. The impression of the foot in a soft substance such as sand or snow.
footprint n. Space required by a piece of equipment.
footprint n. (Computing) The amount of hard drive space required for a program.
FOREPOINTforepoint v. (Transitive) To foreshadow.
FOREPOINT v. to foreshadow.
FORMATIONformation n. The act of assembling a group or structure.
formation n. Something possessing structure or form.
formation n. The process during which something comes into being and gains its characteristics.
FRIGATOONfrigatoon n. (Nautical) A Venetian vessel with a square stern, having only a mainmast, jigger mast, and bowsprit;…
FRIGATOON n. a small Venetian vessel with a square stern and two masts.
HOOFPRINThoofprint n. The mark of a hoof.
HOOFPRINT n. the mark of a hoof.
NONPROFITnonprofit adj. Not seeking to produce a profit (a financial gain).
nonprofit n. An organization that exists for reasons other than to make a profit, such as a charitable, educational…
non-profit adj. Alternative form of nonprofit.
OLFACTIONolfaction n. The sense of smell; the detection of airborne molecules.
OLFACTION n. the act of perceiving by smell.
OUTFOXINGoutfoxing v. Present participle of outfox.
OUTFOX v. to outwit.
REFOOTINGrefooting v. Present participle of refoot.
refooting n. The act of supplying with a new foot.
REFOOT v. to replace the foot of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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