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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing F, I, M, 2O and R

COBRIFORMcobriform adj. Shaped like a cobra.
COBRIFORM adj. like or related to the cobra.
COLIFORMScoliforms n. Plural of coliform.
COLIFORM n. any of a group of rod-shaped bacteria typified by Escherichia coli.
CONFIRMORconfirmor n. (Law) One who performs the confirmation of an estate; the grantor of a deed of confirmation.
confirmor n. (Hong Kong, specifically) A purchaser of real estate who resells the property before the transaction is completed.
CONFIRMOR n. one who confirms, also CONFIRMER.
CORDIFORMcordiform adj. Shaped like a heart; cordate.
CORDIFORM adj. heart-shaped.
CORNIFORMcorniform adj. Having the shape of a horn; horn-shaped.
CORNIFORM adj. shaped like a horn.
FIREROOMSfirerooms n. Plural of fireroom.
FIREROOM n. a room containing a ship's boilers.
FLORIFORMfloriform adj. Shaped like a flower.
FLORIFORM adj. shaped like a flower.
FORMATIONformation n. The act of assembling a group or structure.
formation n. Something possessing structure or form.
formation n. The process during which something comes into being and gains its characteristics.
FOVEIFORMfoveiform adj. Resembling a fovea.
FOVEIFORM adj. shaped like a small pit.
IODOFORMSiodoforms n. Plural of iodoform.
IODOFORM n. a lemon-yellow crystalline compound of iodine with a saffron-like odour, used as an antiseptic.
MICROFORMmicroform n. Microfilm, microfiche or similar materials.
microform n. (Biology) A microscopic form of life; an animal or vegetable organism of microscopic size.
MICROFORM n. a process for reproducing printed matter in much reduced size.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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