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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing F, I, L, P, R and T

FILMSTRIPfilmstrip n. A length of film containing individual photographs or diagrams intended to be shown in sequence as instruction…
filmstrip n. (Computer graphics) A file containing a sequence of images or video frames.
film␣strip n. Alternative form of filmstrip.
FLIPCHARTflipchart n. Alternative spelling of flip chart.
flip␣chart n. A large pad, usually supported on a stand, used for (typically handwritten) presentations.
FLIPCHART n. a pad, containing large sheets of paper that can be easily turned over, mounted on a stand and used to present reports, data, etc.
PORTFOLIOportfolio n. A case for carrying papers, drawings, photographs, maps and other flat documents.
portfolio n. (By extension) The collection of such documents, especially the works of an artist or photographer.
portfolio n. (Politics) The post and the responsibilities of a cabinet minister or other head of a government department.
PREFLIGHTpreflight adj. Taking place before the start of a flight.
preflight adj. (Computing) Serving to confirm that requests can be accepted, before sending an actual request.
preflight n. An inspection of an aircraft before the start of a flight.
PROFILISTprofilist n. (Art) An artist who draws or paints profiles.
PROFILIST n. one who draws profiles, also PROFILER.
SPIRITFULspiritful adj. (Now rare) Full of spirit; spirited.
SPIRITFUL adj. full of spirit; spirited.
SPRITEFULspriteful adj. Obsolete spelling of sprightful.
SPRITEFUL adj. impish.
UPLIFTERSuplifters n. Plural of uplifter.
UPLIFTER n. one who uplifts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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