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There are 19 nine-letter words containing F, I, L, N and 2O

BEFOOLINGbefooling v. Present participle of befool.
BEFOOL v. to fool; to delude or lead into error.
BLOODFINSbloodfins n. Plural of bloodfin.
BLOODFIN n. a freshwater fish.
FALCONOIDFALCONOID n. an antioxidant compound found in tea and thought to resist cancer.
FELONIOUSfelonious adj. Of, relating to, being, or having the quality of felony.
felonious adj. (Law) Done with intent to commit a crime.
FELONIOUS adj. like a felon, wicked.
FLAVONOIDflavonoid n. (Organic chemistry) Any of many compounds that are plant metabolites, being formally derived from flavone;…
FLAVONOID n. a kind of aromatic compound including many common pigments.
FLOODINGSfloodings n. Plural of flooding.
FLOODING n. the act of flooding.
FLOORINGSfloorings n. Plural of flooring.
FLOORING n. a floor.
FLOTATIONflotation n. A state of floating, or being afloat.
flotation n. The ability (as of a tire or snowshoes) to stay on the surface of soft ground or snow.
flotation n. (Mining, chemical engineering) A process of separating minerals by agitating a mixture with water and…
FOILBORNEFOILBORNE adj. of a craft, travelling along the water on hydrofoils.
FOLIATIONfoliation n. (Botany) The process of forming into a leaf or leaves.
foliation n. (Publishing) The process of forming into pages; pagination.
foliation n. (Codicology, publishing) The numbering of the folios of a manuscript or a book.
FOLLOWINGfollowing adj. Coming next, either in sequence or in time.
following adj. About to be specified.
following adj. (Of a wind) Blowing in the direction of travel.
FOOTLINGSfootlings n. Plural of footling.
FOOTLING n. the act of pottering about.
FOOZLINGSFOOZLING n. the act of bungling.
NONFOSSILnonfossil adj. Not a fossil, or not a fossil fuel.
non-fossil adj. Alternative form of nonfossil.
NONFOSSIL adj. not fossil.
OLFACTIONolfaction n. The sense of smell; the detection of airborne molecules.
OLFACTION n. the act of perceiving by smell.
ROOFLINESrooflines n. Plural of roofline.
ROOFLINE n. the profile of a roof.
SOLFERINOsolferino n. A brilliant purple-red dye derived from aniline.
solferino n. The purple-red colour of this dye.
SOLFERINO n. (Italian) a moderate purplish-red.
UNFOOLINGunfooling v. Present participle of unfool.
UNFOOL v. to undeceive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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