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There are 17 nine-letter words containing F, I, 2L, S and T

FELLATIOSfellatios n. Plural of fellatio.
FELLATIO n. oral stimulation of the penis, also FELLATION.
FILLESTERFILLESTER n. a rabbet plane used in making window sashes, also FILISTER, FILLISTER.
FILLETERSfilleters n. Plural of filleter.
FILLETER n. one who fillets.
FILLISTERfillister n. (Architecture) A rabbet/rebate for holding a sash window.
fillister n. A plane for making a rabbet.
FILLISTER n. a rabbet plane used in making window sashes, also FILISTER, FILLESTER.
FLATLINESflatlines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flatline.
flat␣lines n. Plural of flat line.
FLATLINE v. to register as having no brain waves or heartbeat.
FLATLINGSflatlings adv. (Scotland) Alternative form of flatling.
FLATLINGS adv. (Spenser) with a flat side or edge, also FLATLING, FLATLONG.
FLOTILLASflotillas n. Plural of flotilla.
FLOTILLA n. a fleet of ships.
FOOTHILLSfoothills n. Plural of foothill.
FOOTHILL n. a low hill at the base of higher hills.
FRILLIESTfrilliest adj. Superlative form of frilly: most frilly.
FRILLY adj. having frills.
HELILIFTShelilifts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of helilift.
helilifts n. Plural of helilift.
HELILIFT v. to transport by helicopter.
HILLFORTShillforts n. Plural of hillfort.
hill-forts n. Plural of hill-fort.
HILLFORT n. a fort built on a hill.
LIFEBELTSlifebelts n. Plural of lifebelt.
life␣belts n. Plural of life belt.
LIFEBELT n. a buoyant belt for use in water.
LIFESTYLElifestyle n. A style of living that reflects the attitudes and values of a person or group.
lifestyle n. (Marketing) The totality of the likes and dislikes of a particular section of the market, especially…
life-style n. Alternative spelling of lifestyle.
MULTIFILSmultifils n. Plural of multifil.
MULTIFIL n. a multiple strand of synthetic fibre.
TAILFLIESTAILFLY n. part of a fishing fly which resembles the tail of an insect.
TELEFILMStelefilms n. Plural of telefilm.
TELEFILM n. a motion picture made for television.
WISTFULLYwistfully adv. In a wistful manner.
WISTFUL adv. yearning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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