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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing F, I, 2L, N and O

BLINDFOLDblindfold n. A covering, usually a bandage, for the eyes, blocking light to the eyes.
blindfold n. Something that obscures vision (literally or metaphorically).
blindfold adj. Having the eyes covered so as to obscure vision.
FALLOWINGfallowing v. Present participle of fallow.
fallowing n. A period during which a field is left fallow.
FALLOW v. to plough and leave unseeded.
FELLATIONfellation n. Alternative form of fellatio.
FELLATION n. oral stimulation of the penis, also FELLATIO.
FELLOWINGfellowing v. Present participle of fellow.
FELLOW v. to produce an equal to.
FLEXIONALflexional adj. Dated form of flectional.
FLEXIONAL adj. relating to flexion, a bend, a fold.
FLINTLOCKflintlock n. An early type of firearm, using a spring-loaded flint to strike sparks into the firing pan.
flintlock n. A type of lock used on muskets, rifles, and pistols from the early 17th to the mid-19th century.
FLINTLOCK n. an old-fashioned gun with spark provided by a hammer striking a flint.
FLOWINGLYflowingly adv. In a flowing manner.
FLOWING adv. FLOW, to move steadily and smoothly along.
FLUXIONALfluxional adj. Pertaining to, or having the nature of, fluxion or fluxions; variable; inconstant.
fluxional adj. (Chemistry, of a compound) That undergoes rapid intramolecular rearrangements, component atoms being…
FLUXIONAL adj. (archaic) variable; inconstant.
FOLLOWINGfollowing adj. Coming next, either in sequence or in time.
following adj. About to be specified.
following adj. (Of a wind) Blowing in the direction of travel.
FORELLINGforelling v. Present participle of forel.
FOREL v. to bind books with a kind of parchment.
LINENFOLDlinenfold n. A form of decorative carving in wood panelling that imitates folded linen.
LINENFOLD n. a representation of linen laid in vertical folds, of Flemish origin in the 15th century and used by Tudor woodcarvers, mainly for decorating panelling, doors, and chests.
NAILFOLDSnailfolds n. Plural of nailfold.
NAILFOLD n. a fold of skin around the fingernail.
NONFILIALnonfilial adj. Not filial.
NONFILIAL adj. not filial.
WOLFLINGSwolflings n. Plural of wolfling.
WOLFLING n. a young wolf.
YELLOWFINyellowfin n. Any of various fish with yellow fins.
YELLOWFIN n. a kind of tuna with yellowish fins.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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