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There are 19 nine-letter words containing F, I, K, N, R and S

FINNMARKSFinnmarks n. Plural of Finnmark.
FINNMARK n. the monetary unit of Finland, also FINMARK.
FIREPINKSfirepinks n. Plural of firepink.
FIREPINK n. a flowering plant of the US.
FOREKINGSforekings n. Plural of foreking.
FOREKING n. a preceding king.
FORESKINSforeskins n. Plural of foreskin.
FORESKIN n. a fold of skin covering the penis.
FORKINESSforkiness n. The quality or state of being forky.
FORKINESS n. the state of dividing in a forklike manner.
FORSAKINGforsaking v. Present participle of forsake.
forsaking n. The act by which somebody is forsaken; an abandonment.
FORSAKING n. abandonment.
FORSWINKSforswinks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of forswink.
FORSWINK v. (obsolete) to exhaust by labour.
FORTHINKSforthinks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of forthink.
FORTHINK v. to repent; to regret.
FRACKINGSfrackings n. Plural of fracking.
FRACKING n. the process of forcing liquid containing sand or other material into the strata round a well bottom to split them and prevent them closing.
FRANKLINSfranklins n. Plural of franklin.
Franklins prop.n. Plural of Franklin.
Franklins n. Plural of Franklin.
FRISKINGSfriskings n. Plural of frisking.
FRISKING n. the act of frisking.
FROCKINGSfrockings n. Plural of frocking.
FROCKING n. cloth suitable for frocks.
FUSKERINGFUSKER v. to generates obvious passwords and filenames in order to extract data that is held on free websites.
KNIFERESTknife-rest n. Alternative form of knife rest.
knife␣rest n. A piece of kitchenware for temporarily resting a knife on while it is not in use, and without touching the table.
knife␣rest n. (Military) A portable defensive barrier consisting of a frame covered in barbed wire.
RANKSHIFTrankshift v. (Linguistics) To use a phrase as a subunit of a longer one.
rankshift n. The action of rankshifting.
RANKSHIFT v. to shift or be shifted from one linguistic rank to another.
REFUSENIKrefusenik n. (Soviet Union, slang, historical) One of the citizens of the former Soviet Union, typically but not…
refusenik n. (Colloquial) A person who refuses to do something, for example one who refuses conscription or vaccination.
refusenik n. (Colloquial) A person who wants to do something but is refused permission to.
REFUSNIKSrefusniks n. Plural of refusnik.
REFUSNIK n. (Russian) a Soviet Jew wishing to emigrate, also REFUSENIK.
SCARFSKINscarfskin n. (Archaic) The epidermis, the outermost layer of skin, especially that which forms the cuticle of a nail.
scarf-skin n. Alternative form of scarfskin.
SCARFSKIN n. the epidermis or outermost layer of skin.
TRUNKFISHtrunkfish n. Species of genera Lactophrys and Rhinesomus (in boxfish family Ostraciidae).
TRUNKFISH n. any fish of the genus Ostracion, aka boxfish, that has a boxlike bony covering enveloping its entire body.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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