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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 7 nine-letter words containing F, H, 2I, L and R

CHAIRLIFTchairlift n. A continuously moving series of open seats, slung from overhead cables, used to transport people (especially…
chair-lift n. Alternative form of chairlift.
chair␣lift n. Alternative form of chairlift.
FAIRISHLYfairishly adv. Tolerably well; acceptably.
FAIRISH adv. moderately good.
FIRELIGHTfirelight n. The light of a fire, such as from a campfire or fireplace.
FIRELIGHT n. the light of a (usually domestic) fire.
FLIGHTIERflightier adj. Comparative form of flighty: more flighty.
FLIGHTY adj. fickle.
FRIBBLISHfribblish adj. Frivolous; trifling.
FRIBBLISH adj. (obsolete) trifling.
HIGHFLIERhighflier n. A person who or a type of aircraft that flies at high elevations.
highflier n. (Idiomatic) An ambitious person, especially one who takes risks or has an extravagant lifestyle.
highflier n. (Fishing) A vertical pole used in commercial fishing to locate the beginning and end of a long fishing line.
THRIFTILYthriftily adv. In a thrifty manner; economically.
THRIFTY adv. frugal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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