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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing F, G, H, 2I and T

EIGHTFOILeightfoil n. (Heraldry) An octofoil.
EIGHTFOIL n. an eight-leaved flower.
FAITHINGSFAITHING n. the act of believing.
FIGHTINGSfightings n. Plural of fighting.
FIGHTING n. the act of one that fights.
FIREFIGHTfirefight n. A skirmish involving an exchange of gunfire.
fire-fight n. Alternative form of firefight.
FIREFIGHT n. an intense exchange of gunfire.
FIRELIGHTfirelight n. The light of a fire, such as from a campfire or fireplace.
FIRELIGHT n. the light of a (usually domestic) fire.
FISTFIGHTfistfight n. A fight using bare fists.
fistfight v. To fight using bare fists.
fist-fight n. Alternative form of fistfight.
FLIGHTIERflightier adj. Comparative form of flighty: more flighty.
FLIGHTY adj. fickle.
FLIGHTILYflightily adv. In a flighty manner.
FLIGHTY adv. fickle.
FLIGHTINGflighting v. Present participle of flight.
FLIGHT v. to migrate in a flock.
FLITCHINGflitching v. Present participle of flitch.
FLITCH v. to cut into strips.
FRICHTINGFRICHT v. (Scots) to frighten.
FRIGHTINGfrighting v. Present participle of fright.
FRIGHT v. to make afraid, to scare, also FRIGHTEN.
INFIGHTERinfighter n. A person who engages in infighting.
INFIGHTER n. one who fights at close quarters.
NIGHTFIREnightfire n. A fire that is lit outdoors at night.
nightfire n. Will o’ the wisp.
NIGHTFIRE n. a fire burning at night; a will-o'-the-wisp.
NIGHTLIFEnightlife n. Nocturnal activities, especially visiting nightclubs.
NIGHTLIFE n. life that goes on at night.
SHIFTINGSshiftings n. Plural of shifting.
SHIFTING n. the act of shifting.
STINGFISHstingfish n. Any of several species of scorpionfish.
STINGFISH n. the weever fish, also STINGBULL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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