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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing 2F, I, L, N and U

AFFLUXIONaffluxion n. The act of flowing towards; afflux.
AFFLUXION n. a flowing towards or together, also AFFLUX.
CLIFFHUNGcliffhung v. Simple past tense and past participle of cliffhang.
CLIFFHANG v. to keep a reader in suspense.
CUFFLINKScufflinks n. Plural of cufflink.
cuff␣links n. Plural of cuff link.
CUFFLINK n. a small chain used to fasten cuffs.
DIFFLUENTdiffluent adj. Flowing apart or off; dissolving; not fixed.
DIFFLUENT adj. readily flowing away.
EFFLUXIONeffluxion n. The process of flowing out.
effluxion n. That which has flowed out.
EFFLUXION n. the act of flowing out.
EFFULGINGeffulging v. Present participle of effulge.
EFFULGE v. to shine out.
PUFFINGLYpuffingly adj. In a puffing manner.
RUFFIANLYruffianly adj. Like or having the qualities of a ruffian.
ruffianly adv. In the manner of a ruffian.
RUFFIANLY adj. like a ruffian.
RUFFLINGSrufflings n. Plural of ruffling.
RUFFLING n. the act of ruffling.
SCUFFLINGscuffling v. Present participle of scuffle.
scuffling n. A confused struggle.
SCUFFLING n. a rough confused struggle.
SHUFFLINGshuffling v. Present participle of shuffle.
shuffling n. The act or motion of one who shuffles.
shuffling n. The noise created by something moving about.
SNUFFLIERsnufflier adj. Comparative form of snuffly: more snuffly.
SNUFFLY adj. tending to snuffle.
SNUFFLINGsnuffling v. Present participle of snuffle.
snuffling n. A breathy noise; a snuffle.
SNUFFLING n. the act of snuffling.
TRUFFLINGtruffling n. Searching for, and digging up truffles.
TRUFFLING n. the act of gathering truffles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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