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There are 18 eight-letter words containing F, I, L, R, S and U

FAILURESfailures n. Plural of failure.
FAILURE n. the act of failing.
FISSURALfissural adj. Pertaining to a fissure or fissures.
FISSURAL adj. like a fissure.
FISTULARfistular adj. Tubelike; resembling a hollow cylinder.
fistular adj. Having tubelike parts of this form.
FISTULAR adj. hollow and cylindrical, like a pipe or reed, also FISTULATE, FISTULOSE, FISTULOUS.
FLORUITSfloruits n. Plural of floruit.
FLORUIT n. (Latin) the period during which a person, movement, etc. was active.
FLOURISHflourish v. (Intransitive) To thrive or grow well.
flourish v. (Intransitive) To prosper or fare well.
flourish v. (Intransitive) To be in a period of greatest influence.
FLUERICSfluerics n. A subfield of fluidics, dealing with fluid components that perform functions not requiring the use of moving parts.
FLUERICS n. the technology of using fluid jets analogously to electricity, also FLUIDICS.
FLUORIDSfluorids n. Plural of fluorid.
FLUORID n. a compound of fluorine, also FLUORIDE.
FLUORINSFLUORIN n. a gaseous element, also FLUORINE.
FLURRIESflurries n. Plural of flurry.
flurries v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flurry.
FLURRY v. to agitate.
FLUSHIERFLUSHY adj. red-complexioned.
FRISKFULfriskful adj. (Rare) Lively; frolicsome.
FRISKFUL adj. brisk; lively; frolicsome.
FUSILEERfusileer n. Alternative form of fusilier.
FUSILEER n. a soldier armed with a fusil, also FUSILIER.
FUSILIERfusilier n. An infantryman armed with a form of flintlock musket.
fusilier n. (Britain) A soldier in any of several regiments that once fought with such weapons.
fusilier n. A fish in family Caesionidae, related to snappers.
LUCIFERSlucifers n. Plural of lucifer.
LUCIFER n. a friction match.
SIFFLEURSIFFLEUR n. (French) a (male) professional whistler.
SULFURICsulfuric adj. (American spelling, chemistry) Of, or relating to sulfur, especially in its higher oxidation state.
SULFURIC adj. pertaining to sulfur, also SULPHURIC.
SURFLIKEsurflike adj. Resembling surf (breaking waves) or some aspect of it.
SURFLIKE adj. resembling breaking waves.
TRISTFULtristful adj. (Archaic) Sad, melancholic.
TRISTFUL adj. (Shakespeare) sad, mournful, also TRIST, TRISTE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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