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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing F, 2I, L, N and R

FILARIANfilarian adj. (Medicine) Of or relating to filaria.
FILARIAN adj. relating to a filaria, a parasitic worm, also FILARIAL.
FLINTIERflintier adj. Comparative form of flinty: more flinty.
FLINTY adj. resembling flint.
FLIRTINGflirting v. Present participle of flirt.
flirting n. A flirtation.
FLIRTING n. the act of flirting.
FRILLINGfrilling v. Present participle of frill.
frilling n. A frilled ornamentation on clothing.
FRILLING n. an arrangement of frills.
INFIRMLYinfirmly adv. In an infirm manner; feebly.
INFIRM adv. sickly.
REFILINGrefiling v. Present participle of refile.
refiling n. The act of filing (A legal case, etc.) again.
REFILE v. to file again.
RIFFLINGriffling v. Present participle of riffle.
riffling n. Sampling by use of a riffler.
RIFFLE v. to ruffle, to shuffle e.g. cards.
RIFLINGSriflings n. Plural of rifling.
RIFLING n. the system of grooves in a gun barrel.
TRIFLINGtrifling adj. Trivial, or of little importance.
trifling adj. Idle or frivolous.
trifling adj. (AAVE) Of suspicious character, typically secretive or deceitful; shady.
UNIFILARunifilar adj. Having or using only one thread.
unifilar adj. (Biochemistry, of DNA) single-stranded.
UNIFILAR adj. having only one thread, wire or fibre.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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