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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing F, G, L, N and 2O

FLOODINGflooding v. Present participle of flood.
flooding n. An act of flooding; a flood or gush.
flooding n. (Psychology, figurative) Emotional overwhelm sometimes leading to a primal state of rage or panic.
FLOORINGflooring n. A floor.
flooring n. A material used to make floors.
flooring n. (Sports) The act of putting one’s opponent on the floor; a knockdown.
FOLIOINGfolioing v. Present participle of folio.
FOLIO v. to number the pages of.
FOLKSONGfolksong n. Alternative spelling of folk song.
folk␣song n. (Music) A song, in any folk style, originating among ordinary people, usually non-professional musicians…
folk␣song n. (Music, uncountable) folk music.
FOOLINGSfoolings n. Plural of fooling.
FOOLING n. playing the fool.
FOOTLINGfootling adj. Trivial, silly and irritating.
footling v. Present participle of footle.
footling n. A fetus oriented so that, at birth, its foot will emerge first. A type of breech birth.
FOOTLONGfootlong adj. One foot long.
footlong n. A hot dog or submarine sandwich measuring a foot in length.
FOOTLONG n. a hotdog one foot long.
FOOZLINGfoozling v. Present participle of foozle.
FOOZLING n. the act of bungling.
GONFALONgonfalon n. A standard or ensign, consisting of a pole with a crosspiece from which a banner is suspended, especially…
GONFALON n. a small flag or pennant immediately below the head of a knight's lance, also GONFANON.
LONGFORMlongform adj. (Advertising, of a television advertisement) Running for a relatively long time, typically more than two minutes.
longform adj. (Journalism, broadcasting) Longer and more detailed than is normal.
long-form adj. (Journalism) Alternative form of longform.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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