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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing 2F, 2I, N and S

GRIFFINSgriffins n. Plural of griffin.
GRIFFIN n. an imaginary animal with a lion's body and an eagle's head, also GRYFON, GRYPHON.
IFFINESSiffiness n. The state or quality of being iffy.
IFFINESS n. the state of being iffy.
NIFFIESTniffiest adj. Superlative form of niffy: most niffy.
NIFFY adj. smelly.
SIFFLINGsiffling v. Present participle of siffle.
SIFFLE v. to whistle, hiss.
SKIFFINGskiffing v. Present participle of skiff.
SKIFF v. to skim.
SNIFFIERsniffier adj. Comparative form of sniffy: more sniffy.
SNIFFY adj. given to sniffing.
SNIFFILYsniffily adv. In a sniffy manner.
SNIFFY adv. given to sniffing.
SNIFFINGsniffing v. Present participle of sniff.
sniffing n. A sniff sound or action.
SNIFFING adj. with a sniffing sound.
SNIFFISHsniffish adj. Sniffy; disdainful; haughty.
SNIFFISH adj. haughty.
SOFFIONIsoffioni n. Plural of soffione.
SOFFIONI n. (Italian) volcanic steam-holes.
SPIFFINGspiffing adj. (Britain, colloquial) Very good, excellent.
spiffing adj. (Britain, colloquial) Smart or appealing in dress or appearance.
spiffing v. Present participle of spiff.
STIFFINGstiffing v. Present participle of stiff.
STIFF v. to cheat, rob.
TIFFINGStiffings n. Plural of tiffing.
TIFFING n. lunch; a light meal, also TIFFIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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