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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing F, H, O, R and 2S

CHLOROFORMISTSchloroformists n. Plural of chloroformist.
CHLOROFORMIST n. one who administers chloroform.
CHLORPYRIFOSESSorry, definition not available.
CONFESSORSHIPSconfessorships n. Plural of confessorship.
CONFESSORSHIP n. the office of confessor.
FASHIONMONGERSfashionmongers n. Plural of fashionmonger.
FLUGELHORNISTSflugelhornists n. Plural of flugelhornist.
FLUGELHORNIST n. one who plays the flugelhorn.
FOREHANDEDNESSforehandedness n. Prudence, foresight, and thriftiness.
forehandedness n. Action taken in advance.
forehandedness n. Wealth, the quality of having sufficient possessions to live comfortably.
FORESHADOWINGSforeshadowings n. Plural of foreshadowing.
FORESHADOWING n. the act of foreshadowing.
FORTHRIGHTNESSforthrightness n. The characteristic or quality of being forthright.
FORTHRIGHTNESS n. the state of being forthright.
OVERFLOURISHESoverflourishes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overflourish.
OVERFLOURISH v. to cover with blossom, or with flourishes or ornament.
PHOTOFINISHERSphotofinishers n. Plural of photofinisher.
PHOTOFINISHER n. one that develops and prints photographic film commercially.
PROFESSORSHIPSprofessorships n. Plural of professorship.
PROFESSORSHIP n. the office of professor.
REFASHIONMENTSrefashionments n. Plural of refashionment.
REFASHIONMENT n. the act of refashioning.
SACCHARIFEROUSsacchariferous adj. Producing or containing sugar.
SACCHARIFEROUS adj. bearing sugar.
SHRINKFLATIONSSHRINKFLATION n. a reduction in the size of an item of packaged food, such as a chocolate bar, while the price remains the same.
SPORTFISHERMANsportfisherman n. A person who participates in sportfishing.
sportfisherman n. A boat intended for sportfishing.
SPORTFISHERMAN n. a motorboat equipped for sportfishing.
SPORTFISHERMENsportfishermen n. Plural of sportfisherman.
SPORTFISHERMAN n. a motorboat equipped for sportfishing.
SYNCHROFLASHESSYNCHROFLASH n. a mechanism which synchronizes the opening of a camera shutter with the peak of brilliance of a flash bulb.
WORSHIPFULNESSworshipfulness n. The state or condition of being worshipful; reverence.
WORSHIPFULNESS n. the state of being worshipful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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