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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 8 thirteen-letter words containing F, M, O and 3S

DIFFUSIONISMSdiffusionisms n. Plural of diffusionism.
DIFFUSIONISM n. the theory that diffusion is mainly responsible for cultural similarities.
FORTISSISSIMOfortississimo adv. (Music) The musical notation indicating that the piece is played louder than fortissimo.
fortississimo n. (Music) The dynamic sign indicating that the piece should be played louder than fortissimo. Abbreviation: fff.
FORTISSISSIMO adv. (Italian) very very loud.
FULSOMENESSESFULSOMENESS n. the state of being fulsome.
POSTFEMINISMSpostfeminisms n. Plural of postfeminism.
POSTFEMINISM n. a movement that regards the main principles of feminism as either achieved or misguided and seeks a new programme.
POSTFEMINISTSpostfeminists n. Plural of postfeminist.
POSTFEMINIST n. a supporter of postfeminism.
TRANSFORMISMStransformisms n. Plural of transformism.
TRANSFORMISM n. the theory of the mutability of species.
TRANSFORMISTStransformists n. Plural of transformist.
TRANSFORMIST n. a proponent of transformism.
UNIFORMNESSESUNIFORMNESS n. the state of being uniform.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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