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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing F, I, 2L, M and U

FEUILLETONISMfeuilletonism n. The light, entertaining writing style associated with feuilletons.
FEUILLETONISM n. the production of feuilletons.
FLAMMULATIONSflammulations n. Plural of flammulation.
FLAMMULATION n. flamelike marking.
FORMULAICALLYformulaically adv. In a formulaic manner; according to an established formula.
FORMULAIC adv. of the nature of a formula.
GALLIMAUFRIESgallimaufries n. Plural of gallimaufry.
GALLIMAUFRY n. (French) a hash of liver and other organs; a hotchpotch.
LIEBFRAUMILCHLiebfraumilch n. A semi-sweet German white wine.
LIEBFRAUMILCH n. a fruity white Rhine wine.
MELLIFLUENCESmellifluences n. Plural of mellifluence.
MELLIFLUENCE n. a smooth sweet flow.
MELLIFLUENTLYmellifluently adv. In a mellifluent manner.
MELLIFLUENT adv. sweet-sounding; flowing with honey, also MELLIFLUOUS.
MELLIFLUOUSLYmellifluously adv. In a mellifluous manner; sweetly.
MELLIFLUOUS adv. sweet-sounding; flowing with honey, also MELLIFLUENT.
METALLIFEROUSmetalliferous adj. (Metallurgy) Containing a metallic element. Often used to describe ores that are mined commercially.
METALLIFEROUS adj. bearing metal.
MILLEFEUILLESmillefeuilles n. Plural of millefeuille.
mille-feuilles n. Plural of mille-feuille.
MILLEFEUILLE n. (French) a rich confection of thin layers of puff pastry and a filling of jam, cream, etc.
MISTRUSTFULLYmistrustfully adv. In a mistrustful manner.
MISTRUSTFUL adv. not trusting.
MULTIFAMILIESmultifamilies n. Plural of multifamily.
MULTIFAMILY n. a building designed to house several families.
MULTIFILAMENTmultifilament adj. Having multiple filaments.
multifilament n. A yarn with multiple filaments.
MULTIFILAMENT n. something containing many filaments.
NONFULFILMENTnonfulfilment n. Failure to fulfil something.
non-fulfilment n. Alternative spelling of nonfulfilment.
NONFULFILMENT n. the event or act of a promise, threat, request, hope, duty, etc. not happening, also NONFULFILLMENT.
SLUMPFLATIONSSLUMPFLATION n. a state or period of combined economic decline and rising inflation.
SULFANILAMIDEsulfanilamide n. (Pharmacology) Any of a class of amino substituted aromatic sulfonamides that are used as antifungal…
SULFANILAMIDE n. a crystalline sulfonamide that is the parent compound of most of the sulfa drugs.
ULTRAFAMILIARultrafamiliar adj. Extremely familiar; particularly familiar.
ULTRAFAMILIAR adj. extremely familiar.
ULTRALEFTISMSultraleftisms n. Plural of ultraleftism.
ULTRALEFTISM n. support of the extreme left.
UMBELLIFEROUSumbelliferous adj. (Botany) Bearing umbels.
umbelliferous adj. (Botany) Pertaining to a member of the family Umbelliferae.
UMBELLIFEROUS adj. bearing umbels.
UNINFLAMMABLEuninflammable adj. Not inflammable.
UNINFLAMMABLE adj. not inflammable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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