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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing 2F, 2I, R and T

AFFIRMATIVELYaffirmatively adv. In an affirming manner.
AFFIRMATIVE adv. affirming.
AFFORDABILITYaffordability n. The extent to which something is affordable, as measured by its cost relative to the amount that the…
AFFORDABILITY n. the quality of being affordable.
AFFRIGHTENINGaffrightening v. Present participle of affrighten.
AFFRIGHTEN v. to frighten, also AFFRIGHT.
DIFFARREATIONdiffarreation n. (Historical) A form of divorce, among the Ancient Romans, in which a cake was used.
DIFFARREATION n. (historical) a Roman form of divorce.
DIFFERENTIALSdifferentials n. Plural of differential.
DIFFERENTIAL n. in maths, the product of the derivative of a function of one variable by the increment of the independent variable.
DIFFERENTIATEdifferentiate v. (Transitive).
differentiate v. (Intransitive).
differentiate v. (Transitive, intransitive, often in the passive, biology) To (cause to) go through a process of development…
DIFFRACTIVELYdiffractively adv. In a diffractive manner; by means of, or accompanied by diffraction.
DIFFRACTIVE adv. causing diffraction.
EFFIGURATIONSEFFIGURATION n. an elaborate, detailed description of an object or an event.
EQUIDIFFERENTequidifferent adj. Having equal differences.
EQUIDIFFERENT adj. having equal differences.
FEBRIFACIENTSfebrifacients n. Plural of febrifacient.
FEBRIFACIENT n. something causing fever.
FIREFIGHTINGSFIREFIGHTING n. the business of putting out fires.
FORTIFICATIONfortification n. The act of fortifying; the art or science of fortifying places to strengthen defence against an enemy.
fortification n. That which fortifies; especially, a work or works erected to defend a place against attack; a fortified…
fortification n. An increase in effectiveness, as by adding ingredients.
INDIFFERENTLYindifferently adv. In an indifferent manner.
INDIFFERENT adv. marked by impartiality.
INTERDIFFUSEDinterdiffused v. Simple past tense and past participle of interdiffuse.
interdiffused adj. Mutually diffused.
INTERDIFFUSE v. to diffuse between.
INTERDIFFUSESinterdiffuses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of interdiffuse.
INTERDIFFUSE v. to diffuse between.
INTERTRAFFICSINTERTRAFFIC n. (obsolete) traffic between two or more people or places.
NITROPARAFFINnitroparaffin n. (Chemistry) Any of a class of aliphatic organic compounds containing a nitro functional group.
NITROPARAFFIN n. any of various nitro derivatives of alkanes.
REAFFIRMATIONreaffirmation n. An act of reaffirming; a second or subsequent affirmation.
REAFFIRMATION n. the act of reaffirming.
SHERIFFALTIESsheriffalties n. Plural of sheriffalty.
SHERIFFALTY n. the office of sheriff, also SHRIEVALTY.
TARIFFICATIONtariffication n. The conversion of an economy or trading agreement to work on a system of tariffs.
TARIFFICATION n. the fixing of a tariff; conversion (e.g. of import restrictions) into a tariff.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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