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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 9 thirteen-letter words containing 2F, H, R and 2S

FESTSCHRIFTENfestschriften n. Plural of festschrift.
Festschriften n. Plural of Festschrift.
FESTSCHRIFT n. (German) a volume of writing by different authors presented as a tribute or memorial esp. to a scholar.
FLASHFORWARDSflashforwards n. Plural of flashforward.
FLASHFORWARD n. a transition in a novel, film, etc., to a scene or event in the future.
FRIGHTFULNESSfrightfulness n. The quality of being frightful.
FRIGHTFULNESS n. the state of being frightful.
HASENPFEFFERShasenpfeffers n. Plural of hasenpfeffer.
HASENPFEFFER n. (German) a well seasoned rabbit stew.
RAFFISHNESSESRAFFISHNESS n. the state of being raffish.
SHERIFFALTIESsheriffalties n. Plural of sheriffalty.
SHERIFFALTY n. the office of sheriff, also SHRIEVALTY.
SHUFFLEBOARDSshuffleboards n. Plural of shuffleboard.
SHUFFLEBOARD n. an old game in which a coin or other disc was driven along a table by the hand, also SHOVELBOARD.
SUFFRAGANSHIPsuffraganship n. The rank or office of a suffragan.
SUFFRAGANSHIP n. the office a suffragan.
UNDERSHERIFFSundersheriffs n. Plural of undersheriff.
UNDERSHERIFF n. one below the rank of sheriff.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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