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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing F, I, 2L and 2U

BEAUTIFULLERbeautifuller adj. (Obsolete, nonstandard) comparative form of beautiful: more beautiful.
BEAUTIFUL adj. fair to look at.
CAULIFLOROUScauliflorous adj. (Botany) Having flowers on the stem.
CAULIFLOROUS adj. relating to cauliflory, the production of flowers on old stems from dormant buds.
DISGUSTFULLYdisgustfully adv. (Archaic) In a way that inspires disgust.
DISGUSTFUL adv. provoking disgust.
FLORICULTUREfloriculture n. The farming of flowers.
FLORICULTURE n. the cultivation and management of ornamental and esp. flowering plants.
FLUOROURACILfluorouracil n. (Pharmacology) A fluorine-substituted derivative of uracil C4H3FN2O2 which inhibits DNA synthesis and…
FLUOROURACIL n. a fluorine-containing pyrimidine base used as a neoplastic agent to treat some kinds of cancer.
FRUITFULLESTfruitfullest adj. Superlative form of fruitful: most fruitful.
FRUITFUL adj. productive.
FULIGINOUSLYfuliginously adv. In a fuliginous manner.
FULIGINOUS adv. sooty; having a dark or dusky color.
GUILEFULNESSguilefulness n. The quality of being guileful; cunning or deceit.
GUILEFULNESS n. the state of being guileful.
MULTIFLOROUSmultiflorous adj. (Botany) Having many flowers.
MULTIFLOROUS adj. many-flowered.
TUBULIFLORALTUBULIFLORAL adj. having tubular-shaped flowers, also TUBULIFLOROUS.
UNDELIGHTFULundelightful adj. Not delightful.
UNDELIGHTFUL adj. not delightful.
UNDERFULFILLUNDERFULFILL v. to fall short of satisfaction, also UNDERFULFIL.
UNDERFULFILSUNDERFULFIL v. to fail to fulfil completely, also UNDERFULFILL.
UNFAITHFULLYunfaithfully adv. In an unfaithful manner.
UNFAITHFUL adv. not faithful.
UNFRUITFULLYunfruitfully adv. In an unfruitful manner.
UNFRUITFUL adv. not fruitful.
UNFULFILLINGunfulfilling adj. Not producing fulfillment or a sense of accomplishment; unsatisfying.
UNFULFILLING adj. not fulfilling.
UNMERCIFULLYunmercifully adv. In an unmerciful manner.
UNMERCIFUL adv. not merciful.
UNRIGHTFULLYunrightfully adv. In an unrightful manner.
UNRIGHTFUL adv. not rightful.
UNSKILLFULLYunskillfully adv. In an unskilled manner.
UNSKILLFUL adv. not skillful, also UNSKILFUL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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