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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing F, H, 2O and 2R

CHLOROFORMEDchloroformed v. Simple past tense and past participle of chloroform.
CHLOROFORM v. to treat with or as if with the colourless volatile liquid chloroform esp. so as to produce anesthesia.
CHLOROFORMERchloroformer n. One who uses chloroform.
CHLOROFORMER n. one who administers chloroform.
CHLORPYRIFOSchlorpyrifos n. A crystalline organophosphate insecticide that inhibits acetylcholinesterase.[diethoxy-sulfanylidene-(3,5,6-trichloropy…
DRAUGHTPROOFdraughtproof adj. That prevents the entry of draughts.
draughtproof v. To seal an opening, so as to prevent the entry of draughts.
DRAUGHTPROOF v. to make proof against draughts.
FERROCHROMESferrochromes n. Plural of ferrochrome.
FERROCHROME n. an alloy of iron with chromium, also FERROCHROMIUM.
FLUOROCHROMEfluorochrome n. Any of various fluorescent dyes used to stain biological material before microscopic examination.
FLUOROCHROME n. any of various fluorescent substances used in biological staining to produce fluorescence in a specimen.
FLUOROGRAPHYfluorography n. Photofluorography.
fluorography n. Visualisation of radiolabelled material.
FLUOROGRAPHY n. the photography of the image produced on a fluorescent screen by X rays.
FLUOROPHORESfluorophores n. Plural of fluorophore.
FLUOROPHORE n. a chemical group responsible for fluorescence.
FORESHADOWERforeshadower n. One who or that which foreshadows.
FORESHADOWER n. one who foreshadows.
FORESHORTENSforeshortens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of foreshorten.
FORESHORTEN v. to shorten by proportionately contracting in the direction of depth so that an illusion of projection or extension in space is obtained.
HYDROFLUORIChydrofluoric adj. (Chemistry) Containing hydrogen and fluorine.
HYDROFLUORIC adj. as in hydrofluoric acid, a strong acid used for etching glass.
HYDROFORMINGhydroforming n. (Engineering) A cost-effective way of shaping malleable metals into lightweight, stiff pieces by means…
hydroforming n. (Organic chemistry) The reaction of petroleum with hydrogen.
HYDROFORMING n. the catalytic reforming of petroleum to increase the proportion of aromatic and branched-chain hydrocarbons.
MOTHPROOFERSmothproofers n. Plural of mothproofer.
MOTHPROOFER n. a substance that keeps away moths.
OVERFLOURISHoverflourish v. (Obsolete) To make excessive display or flourish of.
overflourish v. (Obsolete) To embellish with outward ornaments or flourishes; to varnish over.
OVERFLOURISH v. to cover with blossom, or with flourishes or ornament.
SHATTERPROOFshatterproof adj. Resistant to shattering; difficult to break.
shatterproof v. (Transitive) To make resistant to shattering.
SHATTERPROOF adj. proof against shattering.
SHOWERPROOFSshowerproofs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of showerproof.
SHOWERPROOF v. to make clothes resistant to light rain.
THERMOFORMEDthermoformed v. Simple past tense and past participle of thermoform.
THERMOFORM v. to give a final shape to plastics by heat and pressure.
THOROUGHFAREthoroughfare n. (Now rare except in certain set phrases) A passage; a way through.
thoroughfare n. A road open at both ends or connecting one area with another; a highway or main street.
thoroughfare n. (Uncountable) The act of going through; passage; travel, transit.
TRICHLORFONSTRICHLORFON n. a crystalline compound used esp. as an insecticide, also TRICHLORPHON.
WEATHERPROOFweatherproof adj. Capable of resisting damage caused by the weather.
weatherproof v. (UK) To make something resistant to damage caused by the weather.
WEATHERPROOF n. proof against the weather.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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